
How do I know if the military is the right choice for me?

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My reason to join is to make a difference in myself and others. My recruiter tries to entice me with benefits which I will gladly take, but I really want to do something that I will be proud about.




  1. are you willing to sacrifice everything you have for your country? If so, its probably the right choice for you.  I always tell people NOT to join for the benefits because really, they aren't that great. You have to join because you take pride in yourself and your country. The military is a great career. It gives you the job security that everyone needs. It is not a job that you can just quit when you get bored with it. Its really not a job at all, it is a lifestyle

  2. The only way to know for sure is to try it. Im guessing that you are a young person (teenager or early 20's). Serving in the military for a couple of years out of your life is no big deal when you consider that you will probably live to be at least 80.  

  3. You can always be proud of serving in the military. But it has to be for the right reasons. You can't join expecting praise for the things you do or did while in the military. It has to be something deep down in your heart because if you don't like it you cant just get out.  

  4. Well you will certainly be proud of service in the military!

  5. Be careful what the recruiter tells you after all he has a quota to hit. I'm not saying they lie but may stretch the truth. Expect to be committed for eight years you have four years of active duty and another four in the reserves. Also expect to go to Iraq or Afghanistan for at least one tour. With talk of withdrawals it is hard to say you will go for sure but just expect that it will happen. My son is in Iraq now and is doing OK. But he gets frustrated because it is the Army and so he never knows what exactly is going on and what the plan is. Its always hurry up and wait. However, if you join you can be proud of serving your country no matter what capacity its in and it is always something nobody can take away from you. I know if you do join there is one person here that appreciates you and what you will be doing. People love to put it down but it is just like anything else, it is what you make of it that really counts. I hope I helped a little because it is a big decision but good luck and God bless.

  6. The only way to know if something is right for you is trying, you should try, if you don't like it, change to another thing.

  7. I loved the Marine Corps,but I had to be realistic on what I was trying to have to look at your own personal goals in life,and see if this will help you.remember,its a big step,and this is no McDonald's job that you can just quit if you dont like it. good luck with your future.

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