
How do I know if this is a date?

by  |  earlier

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we met at a place I volunteered at.we talk in email now. I asked to meet him for lunch cause I thought it'd be fun to get to know him. he said his break is short and that he'd be willing to meet up for dinner downtown and asked when I'd be in the city next.

How can I figure out if this is a date or if he's only interested in me as a friend without asking him. his brother did tell me he's not dating anyone.




  1. just go and see what happens.

  2. i think he wants to be really good friends with you. go with him and get to know him and see what he really does think of you then you will know. :)

  3. just go along with the dinner, if he pays at the end most likely its a date

  4. If he pay for the outing then it's a date. no i'm just joking if he flirts a lot and try to hug or kiss you then it was a date. or you could just ask him.

  5. i think it is a date, but he is thinking that you asked him first with the lunch question and he decided that if your worth a shot.  

  6. Just go, get to know him... get his number maybe and just try to get to know him more. thats the best way to find out what he wants.

  7. I think it's a date because a date is basically two people going out and since you guys are meeting up, your going out then. I'm not so sure if he wants to be your boyfriend though, just play it cool and slow and you never know he may be interested in you.

  8. You won't know until you get there. If he is giving you signals (i.e. goo goo eyes) then he probably likes your more than a friend and it is a date. Also, you can tell if he asks you to go out again then he probably likes you.

  9. its a date

    just talk to him and ask

  10. he didnt want a day date. hmm dinner sounds like a date. trust me I know im a guy thats a crazy huh  and it has alot more to do with alot of other boring thing but yeah dinner usually means hes into you.

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