
How do I know is she's really pregnant?

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I have gaurdianship of a 3 months old. Her mother came to me last week and claimed to be pregnant again. This will be her 5th child and she's not even 21. I don't know if she's lying though. She claims to have had s*x about 3 weeks ago, maybe even 4, she's not sure. She said she took a test @ home last week and it came back positive. She said she went to the clinic and they gave her a test that only showed half of a very faint line. Apparntly the doctor told her to wait a couple of more weeks and then come back in. She told me that the doctore told her she is probably pregnant. I have never had children, and know nothing about any of this. It seems to me though that a clinic would have a better way of going about things. Could they have told her such a thing? I don't know if she just wants to be pregnant again for the attention of is she really. Someone, please help!




  1. the faint could mean she is pregnant could be defective. i had a faint line when i went to the hospital but i was pregnant cuz i was miscarrying. they probably told her that. if you still doubt go to the clinic with her wen they do a BLOOD test.

  2. i agree with sharonsminonly. this girl is crazy! maybe 5 kids by the age of 21! that's stupid and irrisponsible, i wonder what she works as to be able to afford all these kids, and where the father is. this woman baffles me she needs to be on the pill and be a lot more responsible instead of just shagging men without using anything!

    you sound like a lovely friend who cares a lot about this woman which i'm not sure why.

    if you have guardianship of her 3 month old that proves she can't cope.

    i suggest you buy her a test and tell her to take it so you know if for any reason you think she's lying,  

  3. Not to be rude, but, for goodness sake, this girl needs her tubes tied, STAT!

  4. Most free clinics only use urine tests not blood so yes they could have told her that if she went in too soon after having s*x. They wouldnt tell her shes probably pregnant they might have told her to assume shes prenant until she knows for sure so she doenst do anything (drink or anything) that will harm the baby if there is one. They probably asked her to wait until she missed a period then come back...why isnt this girl getting counceling and birhtcontrol. I am glad you are caring for her baby but what about the rest? She needs to know what shes doing is not ok and needs to stop.  

  5. if it was a clinic they give you the same test that you take at home (but they do it they have you pee in a cup and they preform the test. it is possible that she is pregnant, the faint line would simply mean that she is not very far along yet, and they would like her to come back in a couple weeks because her hcg levels should have gone up and it would be a more accurate test/darker second line.

  6. If she did go to a clinic then sometimes, yes they do tell the person to come back if they don't have a good answer. but im not sure why she would lie to you? if you really want to know how about YOU buy her a test and she takes it (not in front) but you know takes it and then you see. good luck,

  7. Sounds plausable, just that she's testing so early in pregnancy the test barely detect it.

    HPTs work by attempting to detect hcg in your blood, because aside from some fertility intections, the only way you get hcg in your blood is the hcg produced by a baby implanted in the womb.  

    However, it's possible for there to be ultra-low levels of hcg in any woman's system.  Therefore, these test don't show positive unless the concentration of hcg is high enough (basically, if a blood test is done, results showing a concentration of 5 or less is NEGATIVE, concentrations of 20 or more are POSITIVE, and anything in between is inconclusive (perhaps you're pregnant, or perhaps you've had a miscarriage and the baby isn't producing hcg any more).

    If she has a situation where her hcg numbers were something like 15, the doctor would have no choise but to say come back in a week and test again.

  8. take 3 pregnancy tests.  if 2 are alike, that is your answer.

  9. She could be pregnant...The reason there was a faint line could be because the test was defective or that she is in fact pregnant.

  10. The urine tests at a clinic or doctor's office aren't any better than the over the counter ones at your local drug store.  That is why most doctors will do a blood test.  Without knowing the date of her last period, or when she ovulates, we would not be able to tell you if s*x 3 or 4 weeks ago would have gotten her pregnant.  I can tell you that most pregnancy tests will tell you as soon as two weeks after conception.  Also, false negatives are common, but false positives never happen.  Even if you have an early miscarriage, or a chemical pregnancy, and no viable fetus, if the test said positive (even with a faint line) you are or were pregnant.  You can buy her a digital test that will say Pregnant or Not Pregnant and have her take it with her first morning urine if you want to know for sure.

  11. if she has a three month old chances are she is pregnant again. i hear you become very fertile after giving birth especially the first few months. which is why i am going on birth control as soon as my baby is born... you would think she would have learned her lesson the first 5times especially if she doesn't even have custody of her own children... and also if she went to a clinic they only do a urine test which is just as accurate as if she did a Home test so either her HCG levels weren't very high or the test was defective but like my doctor always says a positive is a positive no matter. she really needs to get a blood test tho...

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