
How do I know my boyfriend is cheating on me?

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I think my boyfriend is cheating with someone he works with,and how do I find out and or catch them in the act?




  1. I would talk to him.  Usually if you have a intuition that something could be going on chances are you are right.  

  2. His p***s tastes like a dead Flounder.

    That's how my wife caught me!

  3. check his phone/emails and stuff.

  4. you don't. just ask him and his friends

  5. you better talk to him. Find out whats going on. If it turns out that he is, leave his @ss.

  6. simply ask him, if he gets very offensive he probably is.... go thru his phone while he's sleeping if he wont talk

  7. He prolly is cheating on you, so I would just ask him.

  8. i would ask his friends and maybe his coworkers. i'm not saying completely invade his personal privacy...but checking out his call history and emails and stuff wouldn't hurt either.

    a woman's intuition is almost always right, so go with your gut feeling. you don't want to be the hyper-paranoid control freak girlfriend, but you also can't just walk around as a naive individual.

    i wouldn't suggest catching them in the act. seeing is believing, but for your own personal sake and from my own experience seeing is worse than simply just knowing. i would find out the truth, confront him calmly even though you probably want to beat him up. if he dodges it and avoids eye contact or changes the subject, you've caught him.

  9. lol say i know all about it, i know what youve been doing im giving one chance to fess up or else looool

    and if he doesnt know wha your talking about just say you ask my pie didnt you?? then later blame it on the neighbours dog

  10. Usually your gut instinct is true. Make up a bogus story like visit a sick friend or relative and follow him for a night.

  11. askk some1 to spy for them

    && askk them to take pixx or somethiin if he/she caught him in act (:

  12. get a family member or someone that works there to look around and spy............and if he is cheating hes got issues..........and don't talk to him anymore

  13. spy on him..

    if you have money ,, detective

  14. men are scum. jkjk idk just talk to him.

    i <3 guys

  15. Once he gets "pleasure bumps" that aren't from you, I'd suspect something.

  16. who cares if he is. we're polygamous by nature. we need more than 1 woman. in da ancient world we used to have concubines and many wives. thats how it should be today but da so-called white mans laws is messed up and his society in general is messed up.

    democracy is messed up. dis is all garbage. we shud be living by God's laws. Gods laws permits the man to have 4 wives if he can handle them and if he needs them. das how it shud be. Inshallah this democracy will be nothing more than a memory in the future.

  17. ok calm down, i dont think all these people who have said *men are scum* and he is cheating on you are right at all. there are ways you can find out without spying or being a control freak.turn up at his work at lunchtime without telling him to surprise him, then simply judge his reaction. if he tries to get you away as quickly as possible something is going on.

  18. Stalk his ***! Go through his phone, ask questions. Do whatever it takes!? If its true, drop him to the curb!

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