
How do I know my boyfriend is christian ?

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I am a believer in God, but I been dating my boyfriend for 5 months now. I am what you call a "backslider. I had no sexual relations for long time and rarely went to clubs, read bible, had faith and a very strong personal relationship with Lord. Now that I'm with my man, we still go to church and pray for our food. He claims that I have helped him with his faith.... But Im confused if his christianity is real or fake.

Im Constantly sinning like having s*x, he spends the night all the time, we go out to clubs sometimes, he drinks more beer (on weekends), he curses now, and he has no clear vision of his goals and dreams. And now I hardly pick up my bible because Im thinking about what hes doing and where hes at. Help me. I don't know what to do. I want to get married to him so I don't have to keep sinning to God, but I'm needing CHRISTIAN ADVICE ONLY. NO aetheist please- keep it moving.




  1. Pray for him; pray for yourself.

    This young mans behavior seems to be seperating you from God, if you contiue you'll be just like your friend. I suggest you take appropriate measures to ensure you stay with your heavenly father, If you don't you will lose faith.only you know what that means. If he was Christian, then he would encourage your faith and he would fight temptation and help you fight yours. Many people will claim the name but not the life. These are the people who Jesus will tell " Depart from me, I never knew you" You need to find somebody else, if they are going to lead you astray from your God.

    Anyway, if you care about your God and want to live a life of Christ you need to make measures to have that happen;Your both in the wrong

    He's probably sweet to you all the time, because he is horny.

    Real men aren't sweet all the time, thats just fake.

  2. Ask him.

  3. A tree is known by its fruit.

    Put simply, what type of results does he produce? As a witness for Christ, does he bring people closer to God or steer them away with his hypocrisy (this includes examining the influence he's had on your personal relationship with God). Jesus said that we will know the true followers because they produce good fruit, meaning that they encourage people and bring them to a closer relationship with the Lord.

    Read these verses and spend some honest time in prayer and reflection. I would also suggest having a good, honest talk with your boyfriend. Sometimes the longer you have been with someone, the more of their flaws (drinking, cussing, laziness) he'll start to show you. Not to say that the Christianity thing was an act, but he may have exaggerated his commitment to Christ in order to better fit yours.

    The bottom line: people either build you up or tear you down. Decide which he's doing and act accordingly.

  4. your being led on by this the lord more important or is's your choice and also your consequences. if your having s*x STOP. if he threatens to leave you because you won't give him s*x. you have your answer. remember women give s*x to get love .men give love to get s* can take this to the bank. set your feelings what the lord says not what your freinds or mother tells proverbs 3;5-6

  5. by his already know the're not going to be able to do this forever,,,you must feel miserable

    1Jn 2:4  Whoever says "I know him" but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,

    1Jn 2:5  but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may be sure that we are in him:

  6. What do you love more, the physical interaction between you and your non-Christian boyfriend, or the relationship you ONCE had with Christ?  Better make the decision.  Your boyfriend is using you.  The "glamor period" of a new relationship is wearing out, you are beginning to see the real person - look at your future husband if you get married.

    My advice - tell him you are repenting and restoring your faith, and there will be no more s*x, and no more clubs.  You will see what he REALLY wants by his reaction - whether anger or not, if he tries to keep you, then his interests are not to have a loving marital relationship with you, as Christ in the center.  Marriage is a union before God, and is intended as such - even though getting married will keep you from the sin of fornication and lust, it does not keep you from separation from God.

    You need to make the decision, and I think you know what the right one is.  

    Edit - IF your boyfriend decides also to abstain and also repents, then there may be hope.  I would not rush into marriage - repentance will free you of your sins, but only if you REPENT and SIN NO MORE in that aspect.  Then, you can be forgiven and restored.

  7. lol, you've been getting boinked by a total faker.  Thats awesome.  Guys doing anything for poonanny.

    Why didn't god protect you from him?  I'd be PISSED if i was you.  You aren't a true christian if you keep doing the same sin over and over!  The reason christians created their religion the way they did was so that you would feel BAD for sinning and stop doing it.  (Because the creators of christianity felt their morals were better than yours and want to impose them on you... duh!)

  8. Why are you worried about his religion when you admit you are not living a Christian lifestyle?  Is he doing any worse than you since a sin is a sin is a sin.  There are no degrees of sin and any sin will separate you from God.

  9. Does he ever pick up the bible and read it himself?  If you are both serious about being practicing Christians it's time to study God's word together to see if your faith is solid or not, then you will know.

    Think with you mind first and don't allow you heart to rule it.-- Jeremiah 17:9.

  10. Hi. If your boyfriend is really a believer, born again serious christian, he would not be asking you to have s*x with him. He would wait seeking strength from God and will try to establish some boundaries like not hanging out in a room together, not making out etc. s*x is reserved within marriage. Your boyfriend will try to stop swearing if he is really serious about the Lord too.

    I believe true faith in God, will bring about life transformation in terms of conduct. It's not acting "I'm holier than thou" but we try because we want to please the Lord because we know how much He did for us at the cross. There must be evidence in your/his salvation through your/his fruit. Good fruit or bad fruit?

    I strongly advise you to stop having s*x with the Lord and really pray about this. And you already see yourself drifting away. You can try talking to a minister or a church worker. I believe that God will see you through if you are indeed serious about Him.

    Do not be swayed just because he's sweet to you. And a sense of spirituality does not mean one is really ok.

  11. Ask him?

    Plain and simple.

    EDIT* You need to find this answer out for yourself. If you think he is, and he is a true follower of God, He would show it.

  12. Ask

    You should love yourself, don't become this guy's babysitter

  13. well, i think what would help is if you start putting boundaries... tell him that you don't want to have s*x with him anymore until you are married... and if he wants to spend the night he can sleep on the couch... you may have to do the job which God designed women to have which is be the helper... its the hardest job but you have to be strong and let him close but not too close... also start reading your bible everyday... usually people who don't read their Bible in a long time don't because they subconsciously feel guilt...

  14. I would say enjoy life and not worry about an invisible sky-man watching over every single move and thought you'll ever have, and will readily send you to hellfire for a mistake because the bible says so because a talking snake convinced a rib-women to eat from a magical tree and... yea you get the point.

  15. both of you are lost, try to examine yourself,

    fix everything first one day at a time, that

    way you can give guidance to your boyfriend,

    if not both of you will go to the same current

    and fall, since you already have a Christian

    foundation you will do the work and be his

    guiding light maybe he just need attention,

    but do it gradually in a spirtual way.

    In Christ


  16. If you love and respect him and vice versa marry him. But I think you should concern yourself more with whether your Christianity is real or fake, not his.

  17. by the way he acts... around u and others... ask him

  18. Ask him if he has jesus as his lord and savior.

    You need to get back with God and live rightly if you are saved.

    You should seek to marry your boyfriend.

  19. If you are having s*x and he is spending the night, clubbing and drinking together.  No, neither of you are living a Christian lifestyle.

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