
How do I know myself?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know who I am now.

I don't know what to do.

I've become addicted to emotional movies.

I've been influenced by cartoon series that exemplify emotions.

I don't know. I don't know.




  1. i don't know myself either

    i think its something you learn as you go through life  

  2. You're probably an NF, a feeling intuitive person, because they find it far easier to feel and get hunches than to reason.

    At any rate, go to this website and take the free test, answer the questions as accurately as you can, and learn more about yourself:

         Once you've taken the test and have your 4-letter personality/temperament designator, go here:  and scroll down to the paragraph titled: "Type dynamics and development" and look to the right at the rectangle titled "The Sixteen Types" and find your four-letter type and click on it, and read about yourself!  If you answered the questions on the test honestly and accurately, you'll be amazed at how well you're described!

    Also, the advise above about writing down what you know about yourself on a pad of paper is a good one. Do it.

  3. If you wanna know who you are analyze yourself. Take out a piece of paper and title it.....This is who I am.....write down everything about yourself rather it is good, bad or indifferent.

    On another piece of paper....Title it....This is me but I would like to change this about me....then write what you like to change and how you are going to do it....

    With a deep analyzation of self  you will find who you are and what you like and don't like about yourself....

  4. i aslo dont know who i am anymore i feel like im not the person i used to be ever since my family force me to migrate to australia living my friend in asia behind and i just hate them for that
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