
How do I know wether a number is a mobile number or a telephone number? (in the UK, specifically new castle)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. dial 1471 and it will tell you the number.

  2. A newcastle number will start 0191 as the area code and then usually 23..... for the rest of it. Mobile numbers never start with 0191.

    edit - yeah that's definitely a newcastle landline number you won't be able to text it.

  3. All mobiles start 07 or +44

  4. uk mobile numbers all start with 07

    not sure about newcastle

    hope it helps!

  5. yeah it looks to me like it is a newcastle number because anywhere in the north east of england if you are calling from outside of it starts with 0191 so i think is a safe bet deffo not a mobile number as that would start with 07

  6. All mobiles used within UK start 07.

    Most landlines start with 01,02.

    Any 09 numbers are usually premium rate.

    Any 08... numbers are usually lo-call

    And 0800 numbers are free.

    With reference to your edit,

    The 0044 means you were called from abroad from that number.

    019122 66292.

    That would be the number you were called from in the UK.

  7. Are u for real?  a mobile number will look like this 07882228564  and a landline number will loko like this 01582 333 444 but the area code (first 5 digits) will be diff for new castle - google it

  8. Put the first 5 digits into this website:

    it will tell you where it's from in the UK if it's not a mobile

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