
How do I know what's my vision in terms of 20/20?

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Do they write it somewhere on your prescribsion? How cna I find out...I can't ask the's not that big deal to go just for that and I alerady had my exam recently. So if anyone know cna you tell me pls. I am really curious to know. Thanks ;)




  1. It's not essential to put it on an Rx, though some will have it noted, especially if the best vision is less than might be ordinarily expected.

    (Otherwise the dispenser of the glasses, if different from the prescriber, might be surprised when the wearer picks them up and can't see very well)

    You can't "work out" your 20/X score from your Rx amouints with any degree of reliability.  There isn't a single safe conversion factor.

    Only your doctor knows for sure.

  2. I dunno where it says, but you could just call your doctor and ask them if it's recorded.

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