
How do I know what a tornado looks like?

by Guest66901  |  earlier

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There is a tornado warning in my town, and I want to know if therees one in the sky or no. Im very young, and not afraid. Just curious on what the sky will look like. What kind of clouds/ Does it come down from the sky instantly? Or more slowly?




  1. What I say is that you visit . There you can find anything or if you need videos you can go to Hope this helps.


  2. first (of course) stormy weather, then a green sky, then swirling clouds, then you'll see a swirling thing... THE TORNADO!!!!!

  3. When its green out abd the tornado sirens are going off go chasing for a tornado

  4. please stay tuned to for severe wx coverage- green skys,frieght train sounds,debris flying,sirens going off,funnels

  5. A forming tornado is very quick. You'll probably notice the tornado if there "is" one, but maybe a building might hide it, considering not all tornados are huge. The bigger, the stronger.

  6. Dark low hanging clouds will be the first clue.  There will also be rotation and the clouds will be moving fast from side to side and up and down too...

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