
How do I know what brands of sugar are vegan?

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I know that raw sugars are vegan, but I like to use refined sugars. I know C&H filters their cane sugar with bone char and it sucks because that is the cheapest sugar and the easiest to find. I was wondering if there was a certain brand that doesnt refine their cane sugar with bone char. Ive also always wanted to try beet sugar but I dont know where to buy it. Any suggestions? Oh and I also wanted to know about candies and such that are filled with sugar.... How do you ever know if that sugar is vegan or not? Ive asked peta before but they werent very helpful and told me not to worry about it and that it doesnt really matter.. but it matters to me!..




  1. Sounds like BS to me, get real!

  2. Look for sugar that's labeled organic.  Once you find one, read the rest of the package, including the ingredients.  If it's evaporated cane juice, it substitutes exactly for refined granulated sugar, but is not bone char filtered.  The only difference is that it will be a pale blonde color instead of pure white.  I have a couple of brands available at my local grocery that state in small print on the back that no animal ingredients are used in the processing.

    Other than that, Florida Crystals brand, if you can find it, is vegan.  And Whole Foods carries a vegan cane sugar under their 365 brand.

    Beet sugar is more common than cane sugar in some parts of the country, and almost impossible to find in others.  I've only seen beet sugar as an ingredient.

    For prepared foods, if the ingredient is beet sugar or evaporated cane juice, you're good.  If it just says sugar, you have to decide for yourself.  You can contact the individual manufacturer, but don't expect to get very far with that.  Most of them source whatever sugar is cheapest at the time, which is why they don't specify what type it is in the ingredient list.  I know several vegans who only buy vegan sugar for use in their home, but don't panic over the potential for char filtered sugar in prepared foods.  You have to decide for yourself, though.  Sugar is pretty prevalent and nearly impossible to avoid entirely.

    Edit to add: Domino is bone char filtered.

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