
How do I know what breed of chicken will hatch from my egg?

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My egg is a light brown color, I got it from a friends farm and I`m incubating it with a heat lamp.

I am not a chicken expert so my dad is building an aviary for us and getting more eggs to hatch. First time owning a chicken. Anyway, please give me a good chicken care site (Link) And a guess on what breed of chicken I may have and a link to it`s picture.

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  1. There's really no way to tell just from the egg. You'll need to wait till it hatches and gets feathers.

    By the way, your egg may not hatch under a heat lamp. The egg needs to stay at a certain constant temperature, and must be turned twice daily.

  2. Check out this website: It has been a great resource for me, lots of information.

  3. Good place to start would be to find out what breed of chicken laid the egg.

  4. You really cant ell what kind it is by looking at the egg,ask your friend what kind of chicken layed the egg.Your egg will need more than heat to hatch,it needs a constant temperature and humidity and needs to be turned a few times a day until the 18th day.Do not turn after the 18th day!I Candle my eggs around day 10,ive found that this is a good time to see the embryo moving around inside so you know your egg is good.To candle your egg take it into a room that is completely dark and shine a flashlight through it,look at the egg on the oppisite side than the flashlight and see if your egg is any good.Good luck!

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