
How do I know when I'm ready for braces?

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last year, I spent few appointments with the dentist, getting baby teeth pulled for getting ready for braces. Now all the ones that were pulled, the adult teeth are fully grown. my bottom row of teeth are all grown and ready for braces but on my top row, my two canine teeth, they havent grown or moved for about seven months, I think they are fully grown, but they dont look like they are. To give you an idea of how far they are grown down, the tip of the two canines are about half way down the lateral incisor(beside each oother obviously, not overlapping)

They haven't moved in ages is it possible for me to get braces with the canines like that?




  1. Well it sounds like theyre ready. I have braces and my teeth were the same as yours sound. Sure make an appoiontment and find out.

    By the way, braces are the way to go! When you see them movin and goin straight, it will send you confidence through the roof. Theyre sore ***** but they worth it.

  2. yes because if they are half way down u can get a bracket put on them. it will pull them down.

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