
How do I know when it's breeding season for my danios?

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Recently, my danios have not been coming out of the toys I put in their tank. They won't even come out for food. I don't know whether they are scared (but there is nothing to be scared of cause they're the only ones in there) or whether they are laying eggs?? Please help me! I don't want my fish to die and if they are breeding, I want to take care of the baby fish!

Please tell me when their breeding season usually is and what I should do with my danios!




  1. In a controlled aquarium, there are no seasons, so there is no breeding season.  They will breed when their other conditions (clean water, ample security, sufficient food) are met.  I would strongly suggest testing your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, as these compounds accumulate quite quickly to toxic, stressful levels in new(ish) tanks.  More frequent water changes and more meaty food like frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp would be good triggers for spawning.

  2. If there are more than one danio, is the male one eating? Or is it swimming around the female/toy? If so then the female danio is probably pregnant. If it is pregnant, you do not need to take care their fry, because they will take any risks to protect their frys and rise them. When you have a heater inside your tank, it can be any season, if not, usually summer when the temperature is warm enough for them to breed.

    If it is not pregnant, then might be sick, try change to water for about 80%, using aged water(water that has been in your room for more than 6 hours).

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