
How do I know when my goldfish needs a bigger tank?

by  |  earlier

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I have two goldfish one is small and the other is 10cm (4inches). The bigger one is swimming around the tank very fast and is bashing into everything. Do I need I bigger tank? Or is he just having a wild moment? Thanks! :-)




  1. Without asking any other questions, I'd say that the fish ARE overcrowded. I had a 11litre tank with two goldfish, and they would race around the side of the tank, then freeze, then race around. Then, when I moved them to a 35litre tank, they quickly resumed normal behaviour.

    If I were you, I'd purchase a larger tank (remember - 10gallons per fish). Your larger fish could get injured in its racing around.

    Just as a double check, do a good 45% water change and see if it helps. If a water change doesn't help, get as large as a tank as your budget will allow.

    Good luck and happy fishkeeping

  2. question to ask

    1)how big is your current tank please then we can help you out on whether you need a bigger tank or not

  3. Well how big is your tank?!?!

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