
How do I know when our huckleberries are ready to pick?

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We have some in our garden that we planted. Many are very dark and shiny, but we tasted a couple and they had no flavor at all. Also, do you eat the seeds?




  1. Since you planted the huckleberries, it appears that you are referencing garden huckleberries, rather than ones that are found out in the wild.

    Garden huckleberry (Solanum melanocerasum, syn S. nigrum guineense) is not related to true huckleberries, woody plants in the heath family.

    The fruits are not edible until fully ripe and cooked. They are somewhat toxic if eaten unripe, and the raw fruit is quite bitter. The berries are ready to harvest about two weeks after they first turn black, when their skin has changed from shiny to dull, and the flesh is very soft. The interior pulp will turn from greenish to purple when ripe. The flavor of the berries is improved by allowing them to remain on the plant until after the first frost. The plants have some cold tolerance and fruit may continue to ripen after light frosts.  

  2. I don't think I've see one ever

    nope for sure now

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