
How do I know when to get off the net and dig instead of blocking?

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I play middle blocker by the way. So when it's our serve, I have to block. So, I'm not really sure when to get off the net and dig.




  1. There is no simple answer to this question because it depends on what kind of defense your team is playing:

    1) Regardless of defense if the ball is coming from the middle, you will always be the primary blocker.

    2) If your team is double blocking, you will ALWAYS block because even when the ball is coming from the sides your responsibility will be to stuff any mid court angles the hitter has.  This allows you team to play in a perimeter defense and forces your opponent to have to hit difficult line shots or straight into your block.  

    3) If your team is single blocking, you will generally drop back to the attack line and dig short mid hits and possibly tips (again depending on how your defense is set up).

    4)  It is also entirely possible that your team is running a hybrid between points 2 and 3.  For instance, if the hit is at the pin your team  will single block and in this case you would dig, whereas if it's toward the middle left or middle right you will double block and you will be up blocking.

    Those are the most common scenarios.  It's really important that you fit your play into the defense as a whole.  If you are up blocking outside shots someone behind you needs to move up and cover the gap.  Likewise, if you are digging outside shots the defense will need to rotate around to cover all possible lanes (which there are more of because only 1 person is blocking).

  2. if the ball is a free ball on the other side. if the second ball remains in the back court and the setter does not get the second ball. If the setter sets up a back court hit. those are just basic times that you should come off of the net.

  3. when the ball is set to a hitter on the opposite side u follow that set to block the hitter, u block a hit no matter what unless it's a free ball u get off the net if it's a shoot then u can attempt to block because ur teammates should be covering u. sense u are front row and not back row defense u shouldn't really be digging the ball. if it's free then u get to the attack line and this is done no matter what rotation u are doing such as 5:1 6:2 or 4:2 and sense i kno all thses rotations the middle hitter is always up at net unless free.....

  4. You should always be blocking doesn't matter if it is played with power or poked  this is what i notice in the players

  5. If you see the hitter snaping her hand its most likey  block abl but if her hand is open then it mostly is going  to the back of the court

    pay attetion to her hands

  6. Ask your coach about what it looks like when a player is going to tip the ball.

  7. well usually back line digs...and the front blocks/spikes/sets...

  8. i agree with the first guy, its your job to block, and if it gets through you its middle back's.

  9. Well, I play blocker to and your always blocking, when other team is serving back up just s smidge.

  10. Hi there

    You should always be blocking doesn't matter if it is played with power or poked,you should always be up there making sure that the ball does not pass thru your you said you are a "middle BLOCKER"....put it this way...."if in doubt Block"!!!

    Good luck

  11. you ALWAYS block a hit coming over. the only time you will dig is mainly serve receive, covering hitters, and tips.

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