
How do I know your not an alien?

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How do I know your not an alien?




  1. AS long as you hear me, see me, write to me and see my replies, you can know I am not an alien.

  2. Wait a second!  How do I know that YOU are not an alien?  Ah, you think you're clever, but you're no match for us humans!

  3. Because I was born in this country.

    AS for E.T.'s ? They do not exist.

  4. I dunno I guess you will just have to trust me.

  5. Your lack of attention to grammatical structure indicates that you may be unfamiliar with human speech and that YOU are indeed the alien.  It's "you're not", alien.

  6. No one living on earth at this time is from this planet.

  7. How did you know?

  8. You don't is claimed that there are a number of 'humans' that actually have ET genetic material in them and they look every bit human.


    waste of points

  10. I was reading the answers to this question and again  found an answer stating "there are no such things as aliens". That is the most preposterous thing I have eve read. How does someone think they have the true answer? I don't KNOW if there are aliens but logically, the answer is yes.It is ridiculous to assume life evolved just on this insignificant ball of rock. There is plenty of evidence to justify the belief

  11. Oh, but I am, but don't tell my mum!!!

  12. I have a valid birth certificate

  13. Oh dear........

  14. I told you last time, they're birth defects. The 3rd eye, the 6 toes, the webbed fingers. I can't help it.

  15. Well, in actual fact, to the aliens on mars, we are ALL aliens. mwahahahahahaha

  16. S'trewth blue, if you expected a sensible answer to this question, you MUST be an alien!

  17. Use your tricorder.

  18. I'm not.  I was born on Alfandra, just like you... uhm... you WERE born on Alfandra, weren't you?

  19. Good question... I guess youll have to take my word.

    The first answerer: English is not Earth´s language. In fact more people speak spanish than English. You are a self-centered gringo. no wonder why people hate americans so much.

  20. I have my green card, i'm legal....

  21. you don't!

  22. I am an alien when I visit other planets.  Speaking of which, your question reminds me that I'm due back on planet Earth.

  23. You no I am not a alien because there are not such things as aliens.

  24. Because I said so.

  25. You don't. That's the beauty of our plan. We're in disguise as humans until the moment is right to invade Earth. We know who we are by using the ultra super secret code words "Garbanzo Beans". I'd tell you the invasion plans but that would spoil the surprise. Actually, it's not so much of an invasion as as BBQ attended by 50 million of us with nothing else to do.

  26. Because my father, "Gort", told me I'm not.

    "Klaatu barada nikto!"

  27. Because I'm not Michael Jackso,Oprah Winfrey or Paris Hilton!! LOL!!!!

  28. You Don't!!!!!!!!

  29. The true aliens are those who are not of Native American decent...

  30. because you know ,that i know ,that you know,that we are not


  31. More importantly how do you know none of us are illegal aliens????

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