
How do I learn how to fly?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna be the first human to fly up in the sky, like Superman. But the thing is, its hard to flap my arms and fly into the sky. I try to wave my arms up and down over and over, but it wont lift me up. Do you think I need to get up somewhere high, like a building and jump off and start flaping my arms??

Or should I wait for a windy day and start flaping my arms like a bird??

What should I do??




  1. well, anyone can 'fly', but you won't be flying horizontally, you'll be flying vertically and downwards. so...if you survive your rough landing, tell us all how it went.

  2. What a silly question. People cant fly by themselves with wings They are just too heavy


  3. pretend the water is the sky, and pretend to fly in it, or have a dream about flying.

  4. It is impossible for humans to fly.  In order for us to fly, we would need chest muscles to be extremely thick (like six feet or so) and we would need something to glide with.  We have no wings or anything to flap.  Our arms aren't nearly as strong as a bird's wings.  

    If you want to fly, get a hang glider or go skydiving.

  5. cut off all ur hair to be aerodynamic and get on a high surface(ie, mountain, hill) And flap your wings as fast as you can and jump. You should make it if you flap fast enough

  6. GROW UP

  7. You should go to see a doctor immediatly. Humans dont have wings so they cant fly. so theres no way to fly by flapping you arms -.- . You can get up somewhere high and jump off then you will fly above to the other side. try it :/

  8. if we could answer that question, don't you think we would be the first people flying not you?

  9. what in the world ?

  10. 1. Take a deep breath.

    2. Catch four birds, pluck thier feathers, and tack them on your arms.

    3. Go to the nearest cliff.

    4. Inhale and exhale deeply.

    5. Believe in yourself.

    6. Flap your arms slowly, and then speed them up.

    7. Take the leap.



  12. its not gonna work the human body is to heavy and your arms wont create enough lift..try a hangglider

  13. Practice

    tip: lose a ton of weight and next time theres wind, just let it carry you away and put on a superman suit with a mask and cape.

  14. It is impossible for humans to fly with just their arms.  If you jump off a building you will go straight down and chances are you'll die if you do that.  The wind can only carry about 3-5 pounds with it.  Human nature did not intend for humans to fly.

  15. Yeah go ahead jump off a building whatever you think will work. lol

  16. get one of those gliders from a rental shop. you won't fly on your own. hope u don't jump!

  17. well good luck with that?!

  18. Your name really matches this question perfectly.

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