
How do I learn how to talk to people again?

by  |  earlier

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I don't see anyone but my boyfriend, and there is one girl who considers me her friend still. It's been like this for a long time, so long that I can't talk to people anymore, can barely talk to people in stores to say, thanks, etc. I can't even look people in the eyes because I feel embarassed and ashamed for some reason. I barely talk to my only friend, and avoid her because we don't have anything in common anymore, and the idea of making conversation gives me serious anxiety. So my question is, how do I learn to talk to people?? I have been away from people, besides my family, for so long that I can't even talk to anyone anymore.




  1. ask your doctor for help you may have depression and anxiety this will be a start

  2. Start small.  Practice making basic conversation with people.

    "What a beautiful day it is today."

    "How are you?"

    If you are in a store you can ask someone where something is.

    If you are in a restaurant, ask how something is prepared that you might want to order.

    Practice making eye contact with others.

    Use small sentences until you build up your confidence to make more complex ones.   I hope this gets you started on the road to making conversation with others.  Good Luck.

  3. I have similiar problem but to a lesser extent.Did it just gradually develop?Perhaps join some social activity groups with like minded people,it worked for me. I know loads of people,but still feel shy around people I dont know or perceive as hostile etc.

  4. go to a phyciatrist .

  5. Well first of all, you should probably see a counsler or physciatrist. But, if you don't want to so that you should probably start talking to people SLOWLY. First you should start out a covo. like "hi how are you?" something small. The as you begin to feel more comfortable you should start talking to your family and close friends (like your bf) and ask them to help you with problem.

    Hope this helps!  

  6. how can you forget ?

  7. yeah go look for a doctor. cuz yer asking here? don't forget people here are also seeking help to why he/she like that. so i would say go to a doctor and tell her what happened to you that you started to become like that. i am also like you:) having hard time talking to ppl.

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