
How do I learn my script in less than 24 hours?

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Hey, yeah before a get a bunch of people saying don't wait to the last minute yeah. I am in a advancced Theatre Arts class and we are doing a 15 minute play and even though short I am a main character and need to learn my lines by 8 AM tomorrow. Any help? PLEASE?




  1. contact me and i will send you a three page article on learning lines.

  2. Well what helps me memorize scripts and whatnot is reading it like a story, not just as a script.  when you read it like a book, it makes more sense and it tends to flow better as you are doing it.  So basically what i do is i read it a few times, which i think you can do since its only 15 minutes, then i practice it in my room.  I know this might sound stupid, but sometimes I practice in front of stuffed animals or something, like an audience.  Then i usually do it in front of my mom and sister, or have them read the other lines while i do my part.

    I hope that helps!   Good luck!!!

    OH! and i don't recommend eating sugar all night to stay awake, not only will you crash as soon as you stop, but you will also look tired and it will be harder for you to remember your lines in the morning

  3. I agree!  Make sure you know the meaning of what you are saying.  Words will be hard if they're just words.  Understand your character and practice!  Good luck!  I'm sure you'll do great!

  4. TOO BAD! Shouldn't have procrastinated. Just keep reading it.

  5. Try to put the events in the script in order after reading them.  So, read the script once and try to see if you can place what happens from beginning to end, if you can't remember read it again, if you did, see if you forgot anything. Once you do that, remember your lines and cues, for instance if your line is "I can't believe you!" and the line before it is "Well, you need to just deal."  Try to think of the other person's line as a sort of a cue for your line, it helps with memorization.  Besides that read with a friend or your parents having them be every other character, and you be your character.  Your teacher prob wanted to test you for the real world of acting as sometimes you don't have too long to memorize  script when auditioning for a play.  Anyway, hope I helped!

  6. You need to surround yourself in the play or script. Make sure it means something to you instead of just memorizing lines. That's where i usually mess up, because i forget what comes before or after a certain line. If you make what your reading real to you in a personal manor, it should come easily from there.

    Good luck.

  7. Practice! Practice with your family and friends! Have a sleepover with your friends or other cast members, so they can help you. Practice more and more until you remember your script!

    I know, sometime or another you will doze off, but don't get worried, then you won't be able to focus on your script. I suggest you eat lots of sugar at night so you don't fall asleep.

    Good luck at the play! Break a leg!

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