
How do I learn to be patient in traffic?

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It doesn't quit no matter what. I have severe road rage. I can't stand people in the left lane who don't move over when people are going faster than them. I can't stand the fact that people won't even go the speed limit. How can I control my frustration?

Help me learn patience.




  1. You are immature. Only TIME will cure THAT.

  2. Become comatose

  3. haha i know what you mean. try leaving the house a little earlier so you aren't in such a rush to make it to your destination, playing your favorite music and just letting it go. Driving can be a very enjoyable experience if you aren't rushed.

  4. Realize how lucky you are to even have the opportunity to drive in traffic.  Probably a billion people in this world have never seen a telephone.  They spend their lives subsistence farming.  

    You just take the ability to drive as an entitlement.  You think you are "just automatically somehow" entitled to clear roads. That doesn't really make any sense if you think about it.  So think about it.

  5. I don't know how to be patient in traffic makes me crazy too.  Like the old saying goes:  "You don't know to swear properly until you learn to drive".

  6. Lane-sharing: motorcycles changed the way I think about traffic.

    Personally, whenever I'm splitting lanes of stopped freeway traffic, I picture the scene from Star Wars Episode IV a New Hope where the X-wings fly down the trench on the Death Star.  It REALLY helps you forget about patience and concentrate on the task at hand.

    "Luke!  You've turned off your targeting computer!"

  7. I listen to audiobooks while I drive. Because the stories are so good I don't mind being in traffic and I want to stay in the car longer!

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