
How do I learn to enjoy myself? I'm not asking for...?

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examples of activities or hobbies. And don't tell me to see a therapist and a psychiatrist because I already do. I want to know how to fix my state of mind that I'm always uncomfortable, tense, worried, and even fearful. I'm not in full out depression as I have been in the past, but I am desperate and empty. How does one enjoy themselves even when they aren't doing anything interesting?




  1. The mind is a great battle field when our thoughts feelings and emotions are negative. Negative draws more negative to it with the result that it just brings more and more negative stuff ones way leading to destruction.  See it like this. A person who displays unforgiveness towards someone else is angry, He dwells on the problem and his anger gets worse and then bitterness follows together with hatred and feelings of revenge, even murderous feelings can crop up....get my point.  IF we climb into the pit of despair or better the pit of self-pity where all the negative feelings and emotions dwell, we end up so self absorbed and down we simply resign ourselves to a sad muddy existence.

    There is something one can do and that is to simply CHOOSE to overcome the negative by ignoring it and substituting it with a positive thought,s actions, feeling and emotion.You wont FEEL like making the decision because negative thoughts feelings and emotions will deceive you into thinking you are a loser when you aren't! You may not feel to forgive but you can choose to!

    When you make that choice to get out of the pit of self pity you will find the sky is the limit and there are fields of hope and mountains of possibilities outside the cave. Instead of sulking in a state of gloom you get out and rather take attention off self and find someone you can do something nice for. Help someone else in distress and you find yourself feeling better for taking that step. It is important to take focus off self.

    Next take a look at who you are and why you are.  You were created to be part of Gods integral plan.  You have a definite purpose.  He made you to look the way you do and he thinks you are perfect. HE gave you gifts and talents and a unique thumbprint.  You are one of a kind and priceless and loved and special and no mistake at all. What deceives us into thinking we are mistakes, is when we have made wrong choices and have to face the consequences of the wrong choices.  Instead of seeing it as failure rather learn from it and let it grow your character.  You are somebody just like any state president or prime minister is. When you recognize you are not a failure and you are someone, begin to be that person and be all that you can be too.  Friends are not going to care a fig what happens to you one day.  Only you can do that.  You are the master of your own destiny! You only have one life - give it the best that it deserves. Its for you and all you have to do is take the good things life has to offer you. Ignore negative things they are not going to do anything for you. What are you going to choose?

  2. Don't care about what anyone thinks about you. Be confidant in yourself. Be proud of yourself even if you must be concited and look in the mirror some time and go "hey, i look really good today" Or if you do somthing you thought you did well, don't second guess yourself. "I did really well on that test, because i'm smart"  

  3. I agree with Mia. First, you've got to love yourself, respect yourself, believe in yourself. You can do anything you wanna. Sometimes, all it takes is determination and perseverance. Don't have any doubts.

    *Its important to do what you love. Be it job related or a hobby. Space is important.

    Yes, here & there, everyone of us will mess up but hey... its thanks to those failures that make us successful in the end. Live everyday like its your last. If you need to do something or say something to someone, do it today. We tend to push everything to ''tomorrow'' and most of the time, ''tomorrow'' never comes.

    Happiness is simple. Emotions are a choice. Your whole world could be turned upside down but you could still choose to be happy knowing you deserve to be. There are things in life we have no control over. But there's even more stuff we have control over, we just don't take charge.

    You mentioned your seeing a therapist, set long term/short term goals with him/her on what you would like to achieve at the end of it all. Give yourself a deadline. If it doesn't work out, switch to another. By right, if a therapist cant help you, its ethical to refer you to someone who can.

    I hope things get better for you. Stay strong! God Bless.

  4. Gaming.... pick up a console or get into a online computer game and own the c**p out of people... makes me feel good lol

  5. being with friends and family. go out with your family or friends for a vacation or a trip.

  6. What worked for me is Martial Arts. Martial Arts gave me self confidence and self control, hiking is another good activity. I love nature and the beauty of the mountains. How does someone enjoy themselves, well that's easy you need to find out what you like and learn to like yourself for who you are. Everyone feels like this from time to time. Good luck

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