
How do I learn to ride a bike on my own?

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Long story short I'm 16 and I can't ride a bike. Yeah, it's stupid, I know. Anyway, is there anyway I can learn on my own? I'm really scared of learning so any tips are appreciated.




  1. try training wheels then have someone hold on to you then do it by yourself

  2. I never rode a bike until I was 15. I started by coasting down a very slight slope of ground. The first thing I had to do way learn to balance. By coasting down a gentle slope, I didn't have to worry about pedaling. After a while I was able to get both feed on the pedals, and add momentum. It's really easy, once you get that balance thing worked out. A lot easier to learn balance when the bike has a gentle forward motion. Pretty hard to balance on a bike that is standing still.

    After you have learned to balance, put your feet on the pedals, and then gently start pushing the pedals. After a while you'll get so good you can pedal while standing.

  3. well you should probably start off with some training wheels on your bike. i'm not sure if they have adult size training wheels but just look around. if someone asks who you're buying them for, just say "your little sister or cousin"

    first just sit on the bike. get a feel for it. know where your brakes are. (when going really fast never use the front brake! you will flip over the handle bars!) you should probably wear a helmet for now until you get the hang of riding.

    next thing is to just pedal. at first it will be hard for you to get your balance on the bike but it will come. just keep pedaling until you feel ready to take the training wheels off. you might want to have a friend help you and be there to support you.

    happy riding!

  4. woooow.... why would you even want to ride a bike now? go get your license

  5. Just to echo what most people have listed here, do try a gentle slope/gradient in a quiet and safe street or park.

    Get a helmet - you are going to come off alot. The trick is balance but by pedalling  you will maintain that balance.

    Also gently squeeze the brakes not grasping them - braking can be a shock when you first ride a bike - it will come to you quickly. Try a bike whereby you can easily put your feet down to steady yourself if required - a BMX bike is probably the best to learn on as the crankand seat ratio are low to the ground. ENJOY AND GOOD LUCK.

  6. Ride a bike that you are to big for so your feet can touch the ground, if you lose balance then your feet will stabalize you. It shouldn't take you long to pick it up.

  7. why you can drive mannnnnn   but i can ride a bike with no handle bars no handle bars     umm... look a little ahead of your self now right infront of the wheel and dont think about ballence just aim for one thing and pedle and keep a sdeedy pase or you will get un balanced

  8. i learned when i was 14 i felt the same way

    get a bike with which u can reach the floor easily on and just push urself without using the pedals and pick ur feet up and try to balance if u start leaning put ur foot down until u feel confident enough to start using the pedals

  9. You'll pick it up after a couple of crashes =]

  10. ah i learned at 4 years old its not a big deal you put yourself on the ride and ride

  11. Well I've never learnt t swim, if that's any consolation, & I'm an adult.

    Very hard to do the bike thing on your own.  Is there not someone you can trust to help you?  Otherwise maybe hire someone?  Even a personal trainer?

  12. dude use training wheels or use one of those exercise bike machines

  13. first of all, you need to get a helmet. I know

    it's dorky but for when you're learning

    it would be a good idea.

    second of all, RELAX

    while LEARNING to ride a bike

    can be frightening

    riding a bike is supposed to be a fun thing

    and if you're all tense, you're not going

    to be able to do a good job controlling the bike

    with your body.

    so, like everyone said, it's easy, you just gotta

    get the hang of it and try not to be nervous.

    just remember too, if you feel like you're in trouble

    just put your feet down and stand on the ground.

    you won't fall that way.  

    also,be careful, but don't go overly slow. this is what's going to make you fall. Building up some momentum is what will make you stay

    balanced when your feet are on the pedals so keep pedalling!

    good luck!

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