
How do I legally get my violent 17 yr old child out of my home for good?

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How do I legally get my violent 17 yr old child out of my home for good?




  1. JJC. juvenile justice center. I would try to help as much as possible before you give up on is your son...

  2. Anyone that is physically violent, you call the police!!!  Regardless of whether he's your son, brother, father, etc.  You call the police and press charges!!!

  3. call the cops and you can sign custody over to the state.

  4. call the police. and explain.

  5. call the police and tell them you think he's a danger to himself and others.

  6. Call the cops, have him charged and get an avo (apprehended violence order). Also change your locks.

  7. I am a criminal justice major actually legally under code 600 the Welfare and istitution code she can kick him out he would then become a ward of the state....There is the Welfare and institution code 600(ward-dependent,runaway,abandond,no longer allowed at home) There us also the Incorigable code 601(truency,runaway,refuses to comply with or by parents rules)

  8. You cannot kick the child out legally unless the police are involved (the child is removed from the home by the police), if violence has taken place call the cops and have the child arrested for assault and battery as well as domestic violence.

  9. He's 17, he can be charged as an Adult in the court system. If he gets violent call 911. They will remove him from the house and give you all the information you need to get him some help.

  10. Call the police. And don't get soft and go and try to get him out

  11. Have him jailed and tell the magistrate or judge  he is dangerous to you and the other kids.

  12. go to his face and say get the **** outta here,be tuff at him or he will keep doin that

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