
How do I legally give money collected at a fundraiser to a political candidate?

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I'm holding a fundraiser at my house for a presidential candidate. I wanted everyone to contribute online prior to coming, but apparently a lot of people are still stuck in the stone age and want to bring cash/checks. How can I contribute this money to the campaign and attribute it properly to the donors? I know "bundlers" do it, but what's the exact mechanism used?




  1. Give 'em to Barack, McWar has a private plane (that he owns) and 7 houses am sure he can sell one of them if he runs short.  

  2. if you have an account, deposit the cash and checks. go to the candidates website and donate the money via your visa check card

  3. you must have the full names, addresses and the amount received; checks are the best! Turn all of that over to the candidates treasurer

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