
How do I let a grudge go...........I need help!!!!! READ REST!!!?

by  |  earlier

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There were people sayin things about me at school, and I was fine. Until he said somethin bout my girl. I wanted to slit his throat. It's takin everything in me to hold myself back from doin something bad to somebody or something. I need help, I was fine until my girl saw him at tha beach...cuz he got me suspended...(death threats....yeah....thats how pissed I was!!!!!) And I had forgotten about it and then....she calls me and tells me she saw him at the same beach that she was at.......ever since she said it its been gettin back into my head.....How can I let this go!!!!!!!!!! Immediately......I dont wanna do something bad to me....Im 14 btw.




  1. The reason people talk sh-t is to get a rise out of you.  One thing I've learned in life is when people try and p**s me off, I deliberately smile and let it roll right off my back because that pisses them off ten times more!  I know its not easy to "turn the other cheek" when you wanna rip his face off, but you would only be hurting yourself....nothing anyone says could ever be worth losing your freedom to juvie and ruing your life...  Our laws are written so that people can basically say whatever they want, even lies, but if you physically touch or hurt someone, your going to jail, period.  Stay away from him to the extent that you can, and so should your girl.

  2. You are only 14 and trust me this to will pass. The realitiy is you will problably have 6 more girlfriends before you find the right one. My grandson went through something similar to you but didn't get as angry as you appear to be. People at high school level have these types of things happen all the time. You have to be a man about it and shake it off. The use of words like death, slitting of someone's throat and that type of thing are way out of line. I think you know that or you wouldn't be here asking about it. If your temper is that out of control go to a counseling center and tell them. You are growing into a man now and have to learn to control your temper just like the rest of us. My grandson was 15 when he got all upset about something he knew wasn't true that was said about the girl he liked but he got over it. He grew into a young man and handled it like one. He decided he had to let his anger go, so that is what he did. You and millions of other young men are going to have to deal with temper issues, it's part of becoming a young man.You will want  someday to do something great with your life. Violence isn't the answer to this at all. Get some help, talk to your parents and tell your girlfriend to ignore them as well as this is just what they want from the both of you. Be bigger than they are and ignore them. Trust me on this one as you in the end will have a far better life. Good luck and God Bless.

  3. get some anger counseling dont end up on CNN or Dateline

  4. are 14..."this too shall pass"

    and you didnt say what was said about "your girl"  was it sexual? or insulting?  or what?

    you're a kid, this other kid is a kid...i'm not trying to make a mole-hill out of a mountain here, but

    "all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well"

    so....look.  you need to talk to someone about your anger issues, and then, just take a deep breath.  in the grand scheme of things (which can be hard for a 14 year old to get) does this really matter?  its just words.  words have never killed anyone.  its the people that over-react to those words that cause the violence.

    breathe friend, breathe

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