As many of you may already know, car seats must usually go in the window seat of an airplane so that the car seat isn't blocking aisle access. Alternatively, some airlines will allow that car seat to go in the center seat that is next to the window seat if the parent doesn't mind being blocked in. Either way we have to have a window seat and the seat next to it. We may not sit anywhere in the 5-accross center section of large planes or in the aisle seat of the three-accross window section. I've flown with my son couple of times now and this can be a bit problematic. How can I let the airline know ahead of time that we'll be needing a window seat so they don't have to rearrange everyone when we arrive? I really hate to inconvenience other passengers. I don't book the tickets personally, they are purchased by the U.S. Navy, so please don't say, "At the time of purchase." The Navy buys them, and we have to make these sort of special arrangements with the airline ourselves.