
How do I litter train gerbils?

by  |  earlier

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I know how to do it with cats, and even rabbits, but not with gerbils. The only thing they seemed to think was a litter tray was their plastic wheel- I took it out, and gave them a small, corner litter tray, and they just sit in it and eat, which is funny.

But how can I get them to use the tray?




  1. When you take out their plastic wheel, use gloves or something and scoop out the soiled bedding and place it in their litter tray.

    Every day, just look around their cage for any particularly dirty spots and scoop some into the litter tray. They'll hopefully learn that every single p**p belongs in the tray and stays there.

    Once you think they sort of got the idea, you could try putting their wheel back. If they go back to using it as their litter tray, just do the same thing as before and put everything into the tray but I wouldn't think you need to remove the wheel again.

    Good luck!

  2. Rodents don't live long enough to have the ability to require what it takes to be litter trained. It is to their advantage to scatter their dropping everywhere so a predator will not track them down to eat.

  3. omg man theyr gerbils! they go werever they want within the confines of their cage! r u letting them walk free around the house coz that might not be such a good idea...

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