
How do I live down embarrassment of puberty class from school?

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we have class from school where we learn like puberty. this is embarrassing , even though our teacher is really nice. I need help to know things from puberty or how not to be embarrassed.




  1. OK, well, everyone goes through puberty, so although it shouldn't be embarassing, if always is, right? Well, just laugh it off. Everyone's embarassed. Good luck!

  2. A little advanced knowledge may help.  Check out the website below.

  3. It's not a big deal, everyone goes through it and everyone learns about it.  Just try being a little more mature

  4. Puberty is a part of life .. everyone goes through it .. everyone!  It is natural, just learn as much as you can and be confident of who you are!  We are not all the same .. but we do all go through puberty!

  5. Ok, there's nothing to be embarssed about puberty class. Some people in your class are going through puberty, while others are just about to enter puberty within the next year or so. The things they will teach you will help you understand what you will go through puberty and how to deal with the changes. If your asking how not to be embarassed; the trick is to remember you have 30 other people in that classroom who are in the same boat as you, don't think your being singled out by this video. If your asking about puberty, the answer depends on whether your a male or female. If your a male:

    - Puberty starts of by your pituarty gland releasing hormones into your body

    - Next up the testicles make testostiorne

    - The p***s and testicles get bigger, and eventually pubic hair grows

    - Expect a growth spurt; as much as 6 inches in 1 year

    - The voice deepens

    - You will grow hair on your face, as well as chest and armpits

    - The final stage is when your able to ejaculate sperm; this usually happens in a wet dream (your asleep, and during your sleep you will ejaculate sperm)

    If your a girl;

    1  Age Range: Usually 8-11

    In Stage 1 there are no outside signs of development, but a girl's ovaries are enlarging and hormone production is beginning.


    2  Age Range: Usually 8-14. Average: 11-12

    The first sign is typically the beginning of breast growth, including "breast buds." A girl may also grow considerable height and weight. The first signs of pubic hair start out fine and straight, rather than curly.  


    3  Age Range: Usually 9-15. Average: 12-13

    Breast growth continues, and pubic hair coarsens and becomes darker, but there still isn't a lot of it. Your body is still growing, and your v****a is enlarging and may begin to produce a clear or whitish discharge, which is a normal self-cleansing process. Some girls get their first menstrual periods late in this stage.


    4  Age Range: Usually 10-16. Average: 13-14

    Pubic hair growth takes on the triangular shape of adulthood, but doesn't quite cover the entire area. Underarm hair is likely to appear in this stage, as is menarche. Ovulation (release of egg cells) begins in some girls, but typically not in a regular monthly routine until Stage 5.


    5  Age Range: Usually 12-19. Average: 15

    This is the final stage of development, when a girl is physically an adult. Breast and pubic hair growth are complete, and your full height is usually attained by this point. Menstrual periods are well established, and ovulation occurs monthly.


    Hope this helps

  6. you better get through this class because if your school has s*x ed that is the most embarrassing one to sit and leson to.

  7. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.  It is something that everyone goes through.  Most teachers split the class into a boys group and a girls group and then near the end they have a class or two together.  Just know that your teacher will not tell anyone if you ask a question (if you have a question, a lot of others will probably have the same one).  She/he will understand if there is something you don't know about, that is what they are there for.

    If you have questions and are so uncomfortable that you can't ask, write them down and give to the teacher.  You don't have to sign it.  The teacher will answer it either in class or privately if that is what you would like.

    I'm sure you'll do great once you get started.

  8. i went through this last year its actully not embarrasing but alot of fun we made funny jokes with the teacher and had alot of fun but hope your teacher is a girl if your a girl and a boy if your a boy

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