
How do I live "Green"?

by Guest61653  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and I want to make a change on this planet. It doesn't have to be a huge change but at least a good one. But I'm only 13 and my parents are the ones making the calls so, are there any easy (and maybe not so easy, it's ok) ways to live green? I just want some that I could do and maybe convince my parents to do too. Ex. Unplug unused electrical appliances. Please, any answer big or small is a good one. (unless it's not right like not good for the earth, THEN it's not a good one) :P




  1. There are some great suggestions in the answers you've received here.

    Keep in mind that reusing items and consuming less are even more eco-friendly than recycling. I'm not saying don't recycle, just that it uses less energy and resources to not consume in the first place than it does to recycle something. Simplicity is environmentally friendly.

  2. i'm making an effort to be green too.

    here are some suggestions...

    1) turn off the computer and tv when no one is using them (even unplug the tv)

    2) use a green bin.  put all food scraps(ie banana peels, apple cores, egg shells) any waste from food into it, instead of in the trash can.  that would be a huge step.  for a full list of what can and can't be composted, research a bit online. also you can buy worms at a fishing store or some pet stores.  Placing them in your bin/composer helps speed up the process.  If you choose on making a composter with worms, it will eventually turn into the best soil there is, which you can use in a garden. great fertalizer!

    3) turn off the lights when you leave the room.  you may forget, but turning them off can save a huge amount of energy!

    4) If you have a garden, plant bushes and flowers in it in the spring.  it's a shame how little plant life we see these days

    5) this is an obvious one, but reduce, reuse and recycle!

    reuse anything you can (that doesn't mean you need to become a pack rat)

    6) try to convince your parents to buy snacks, electronics, even CDs and DVDs that don't have much or any plastic wrap or packaging on them!

    7) if you bring your own lunch to school, try to bring a litterless lunch.  buy plastic containers that can be used over and over again

    8) don't throw out used and outgrown clothing. again, reuse by giving it to a charity or having a garage sale

    9) in your spare time, or if your outside, if you see a pop can or garbage on the street near a garbage can, pick it up and throw it out!  Every little bit helps!

    10) take shorter showers!  turn off the tap when you're brushing your teeth! save water!  97% of earth's water is in the oceans, 2% is locked away as ice at the north and south poles, so only 1% is usable, clean fresh water!  not enough to waste!

    11) i may be droning on now, but if you are throwing away a broken electronic, don't put it in the trash!  there are companies that accept old technology, fix it, and sell it!

    if it's still working but outdated, chances are someone wants it! try to sell it online, to a used electronics store, or through a friend!

    if you try all of these suggestions, the world will already be a better place!

  3. Im so glad you are ready to start. I believe we should not only take from this earth but take care of it because is too beautiful. Hope these help:

    1-dont buy bottled water.convince your parents to get a filter at home and fill a reusable bottle when you go out.

    2-buy recycled paper for school, printer and toilet.

    3-Talk to your parents about online billing and theyll save time, paper and stamps paying their bills.

    4-Use a canvas bag instead of plastic at the grocery store.

    5-Talk to your mother about making your own cleaning products with safe engredients like baking soda and vinegar(there are harmful chemicals in cleaning products that linger in the air and can be damaging to inhale)

    6-If painting your home get low VOC paint

    7-This spring you can start an organic garden

    8-weather strip your doors and window

    9-I think the obvious is turn off lights when not in use

    Alot of this involve your parents but I was just thinking of different things.

  4. Start off recycling, picking up extra litter around you, and like you said, reducing use of electricity. Try to cut down on traveling by car, because the gas hurts our ozone layer. And you can also spread the word, like tell your friends that recycling is a big thing, and the more people to do it, the longer we have to live a healthy life on our earth.
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