
How do I locate my birth mother in Mumbai?

by  |  earlier

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I was born in Mumbai in 1994 and was adopted within 6 months of my birth by a family who lives in Canada. The adoption was through a reputable agency, who refuses to disclose this information. How do I locate the woman who gave birth to me?

The only information I have is the place and date of birth. I also know that I have a biological sister. I am happy with my adoptive parents. I love them dearly. I just want to be able to meet my mom so that I can know where I came from. Can anyone help? Thanks.




  1. Contact me through my profile - I can help put you in contact with someone who has helped adoptees from India start searching.

    Don't listen to other posters who feed you that line of bull about your real parents, blah blah blah. You do what you need to do to heal your heart. People who are not adopted just don't understand - they never will.

  2. I'm also so very sorry that you are receiving such nasty responses - they have no idea what it feels like to be adopted.

    Please do contact Dory above me - through her profile here.

    I'm also sorry that you have not received any help from the adoption agency. I've heard this happen to so many of my adoptee friends.

    Know that you are NOT alone. It's completely natural for adoptees to want to search for their first family. And it's also fine if they don't want to.

    NO ONE has any right to tell a person how to feel.

    If you feel you need some support - head over to here - an adoptee on-line support forum -

    Look for the 'Teen' boards.

    I wish you all the very best.

  3. May be u should spend time with ur family n explain to them that u love them so much n also eager to find ur biological mother too.

    Make it clear that u r doing this with curiosity n will always love ur adopted family more than anything else.

    I'm sure they will understand u. God bless u !

  4. You are not a servant, paid or otherwise. You have no obligation to "support and serve" anyone.

    Other posters will offer helpful links, I'm sure. I just wanted to respond to say that you do not have to feel that you are "unsupportive" of your adoptive parents by wanting to know your roots. If they love you, they want what's best for you. Their job is to support you; not the other way around. And I'm sure they do. You sound like a lovely young woman.

  5. see if u have ur adopted parents and they lookafter u very well then what is the need of u messing ur live by searchin ur mother  huh......... don't mistake me but i am like ur sister

  6. I am so sorry you are getting such ignorant and misguided answers.  I'm speechless at the insensitivity of some people and all I can say is follow your own heart and don't listen to these horrid people

    I'm too mad right now that people could speak to an adoptee this way.  I'll come back and edit my answer later to try and be a little more help to you.

    Take care

  7. Why do you want to know?

    The parents who brought you up with all their love and affection are your real parents. The function of the mind is desires and thats what it is doing.

    Your duty is to support and serve your Canadian family ONLY.

  8. here are some canadian links that may help you. Most provinces in canada are open records, are you in ontario? cause they're not right?

    i would contact some of their activist groups to see if they can help you get a clear grasp on the laws to see if you're being told misinformation.   <<< for mothers but maybe they can shed some light on the situation.

    see if any of thsoe canadian links can work. If you know the name and location your mother gave birth in can you contact them? I do not have a clue to the laws in africa, but they should go through the laws in canada since thats where your adoption was finalized right?

    man...i wish i could help you more...good luck. <<<< DEFINATELY DO THIS!

  9. Sure, fly to Mumbai and go to every hospital in that town and ask for birth records from that date. I'm sure you can put together a list of babies born on that date(eliminate the ones that aren't the same s*x as you) and then go knocking door to door. When you find her, tell her who you are and there you go. It should only set you back a few weeks, thousands of dollars, and alienate your Canadian family. How do you know your birth mother wants to meet you? That's probably why the agency won't disclose any info.

  10. Better ask your adoptive parents and explain them why you want to know all this. If they refuse to tell then look at your biological sister as a clue to find your mom. At last if everything fails just wait until the truth emerges out by itself some day. That day will surely come regardless of the period of time that elapses day by day.

  11. I understand your feelings. Some times it is better not to know many things. Ask your Canadian parents. They may tell you. If they do not tell you, then they may not prefer to tell you. In spite if you try to find out, it may hurt them. Once you come to know about your biological parents, what you want to do next? Once you may come to know them,you may try to find out why they gave you for adoption. All this things will leave an unpleasant taste in you and may affect you psychologically. Think it over my child. I am from Mumbai.

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