
How do I look? (16 yr old guy)?

by  |  earlier

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sittin here bored so i though i'd ask :]

im 16 and just wondering how I look

thanks everyone :D

Also what do u GIRLS think of skinny jeans?

thanks :]




  1. eww skinny jeans and u look good

  2. on a scale of 1-10 you're a -4

  3. you're cute!

    and about skinny jeans on guys -- not a fan.

  4. You look like a normal teenage boy :)


  5. skinny jeans eehhhh NO nd u are hot

  6. You are cute to me!!!

  7. i think your really cute maybe grow your hair longer and skinny jeans are way better than having them hang off your butt

  8. you look bad ,your hair need a make over .

  9. HOTT!!   If you wear girls ones than eww.. no but if you wear guys ones they're not bad...

  10. sexxxy!

    and i bet you know it too.

  11. ur cute ish. skinny jeans are g*y

  12. 16-17.

    your cute tho :)

    and on girls i think skinny jeans r fine..but on boys. eck please dont wear them!

  13. hey,

      u are cute! u look 16-17 years old...........i love skinny jeans they are hot.....and on guys too...but not super duper tight..

    well hope i helped..nice meetin ya..

    and if u just cut your hair a bit it would look better...clean and fresh....



  14. Lol dude you look kinda dorky. But in a cool way!

  15. i think you look hott!!! haha

    skinny jeans are good on some guys it just depends...

    answer mine please!!;...

  16. Cut that hair!

    && no no no skinny jeans. They do NOT look good on ANYONE.

    Other than that, you're a cutie.

  17. whoa!  smokin hott!!!  you are crazy adorable.  if you have a nice *** then skinny jeans are adorable.

  18. Your pretty =]

    and they look good on guys yes, but dont try to be something your not...

  19. ok well my bro thinks boys who wear skinny jeans r g*y, and u have goofy smile

  20. u look like a guy down to earth and dont care about a girls b***s etc but personlity like dat =[ plus ur adorable lookin plus i like ur smile too much!

  21. your adorable.!

    -i think cool guys look cool in skinny jeans.!

    -hmm i think you look about yeah 16-18.


  22. your smokin' babyy!

    mhhmm, most deff.

    skinny jeans; on guys?

    all i have to say is that skinny jeans are the greatest thing a guy could wear.

    so much hotter than that flare bull****.



  23. um i guess ur ok but is that acne or dirt? and skinny jeans are startight out g*y

  24. pretty cute man!

  25. You look younger than 16, but you are so cute. I want to hug you.

  26. wow. your pretty hot. you should come to lee county.

    aha jk.

    but yea.. and about the skinnny jeans.  thnk you would look pretty fine in them too.

  27. you're hot and you look 16.and about the skinny jeans.. only some guys can pull off the look.

  28. wow your pretty hott!

    every down in florida let me know :]

    haha yeah i think the skinny jeans that you have in the first link would look hot on you depends on what you wear them with.

  29. OMFG HOT!

  30. you are reaaaally cute... and look nice :) i love your hair

    i like skinny jeans

  31. i love your hair. thats what i look for a lot in a guy- curly hair.

    and plus dude, your just totally cute/hot!!

    and about skinny jeans.. not to skinny. i like the kind that show off the a..(o can't say that hear)..butt!

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