
How do I look after my aquarius male?

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I make him the light of my life, but i want to so more... we are perfect signs me being a leo and was wondering what is something special i can do for him.

he is always stressed out and works really hard so he can pay his bills and loans.




  1. I don't think the best thing you can do to an aqua is to leave him alone--who would want to be left alone??  I think the distance thing is mainly to assure that you two do not become too dependent on each other.  I have some aqua friends, who I have and can see myself hanging out with every day.  I think it depends on your personalities.  

    I think some signs, such as scorpio and aquarius, might benefit from spending more time apart than others--b/c those 2 signs approach life very differently.

  2. The best thing you can do is leave him alone.!..I know it doesn't make sense, but the more distance you put between you and him the better the relationship is..I know because Im married to one and he is a tough act to follow.They don't show emotion very well and if they do its very rare. I am a scorpio and I don't know how much more I can stand since my world revolves around showing love..He makes it very hard to stay with him..I just wish you the best of luck. As for us I don't know anymore.  I am very unhappy and will seek to end this soon ,because I know he will never change. And as far as it goes neither of us will seek to dominate one another because its a lost cause were both to stubborn for that .So we will just  both bow out gracefully just for the sake of loyalty..I hope that helped.

  3. Look us aqua's we are more stressed out then we show...honestly what ever my bf does for me i love it =] even if its just a quick dinner or a movie...We appreciate everything people do for us but since we don't really show our emotions no one can really tell unless they understand us thoroughly which is mostly Libras...Make him feel really loved deep inside he loves it but he just cant show it...that's the problem with us aquas we just cant show our emotions but sometimes that a good thing...

    we also aren't very good at relaxing so maybe give him a quick massage he will appreciate it =]

    hope it helps=]

    good lucks x

  4. Always let him know you appreciate what he does for you : )

    Aquarius & Leo

    This makes for an excellent combination for a partnership that deals with or caters to the public. Each have a mutual understanding of the other when it comes to intimate matters, needs and desires. There is never a dull moment in their lives as Aquarius holds many surprises for Leo. Both like socializing and meeting new people, but Leo always needs to perform on center stage, which makes Aquarius impatient and irritable. Aquarius is too independent to become Leo's devoted subject. This can be a very challenging and exciting relationship. Leo and Aquarius are an interesting combination of passion, friendship and loyalty when it works out. For the most part though, this will be a hard relationship to maintain.

    Love & Blessings


  5. If you are not working currently, get a job and help out a bit with the bills and loans. Perhaps budget  more frugally to ensure your loans don't become hard to manage.

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