
How do I look frendly to customers?

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My boss today was goin to almost fire me because i don't look frendly to customers. So she gave me one more change. HELP!! I need a great way to look frendly to a customer.

I work in a fast food place.

What can i do?




  1. constantly smile and be sweet to everyone... i no that can sometimes be challenging but you just have to do it sweetie... a perky upbeat ready to work attitude helps too!

  2. smile and say kindly hello sir/madam how may i help you? in a calm voice and always smile and say have a nice day very calmy as well

  3. You need to hug each customer.

  4. All you have to do is act like you are happy to be at your job. Smile, be patient, friendly, excited, and willing to help the customers!

  5. You definately want to smile, even if you don't feel like.  Look at the person when you are helping them.  Try sound enthused about what you are selling but don't go overboard because then you'll sound like a freak.  

    Act like you want to help the person and that you are interested in them.  

    Say things like thanks for stopping by...have a nice day or just thank you or even your welcome.  Works form me.

  6. Smile and say *hi* can I help you? . It goes a long way and take that sturn look off your face. Seriously, it helps and think positive always. Besides, you ever hear of this? Smile when you answer the phone becuause the other person can tell if your not. Its all in your tone and body language.

  7. Imagine everybody in their underwear.

    Offer them the new "McJesus" Burger:  two all-Christ patties, sacred juice, special sacrifice, all on a Jesus' McBleed bun.  Comes with a sip o' wine or holy water.

    Spike the fries with a hallucinogenic substance and watch  the whole place start tripping out.

    Slip a small swallowable part into one of the Happy Meals toys, and cross your fingers it doesn't end up lodged in a larnyx.

    Fill up your own empy bottle with Coke on your way out.

    Slip some beef tallow in the cooking oil, and sit back with a smirk on your face as you watch the heart attack rate increase steadily in your area.

    Slip crushed aspirin tablets into the salt, and watch it go back down again.

    Basically, just take control.  Develope your own style.  Make people mad and love it.

  8. Simple.  Stop worrying about how you look and focus on the following point system:

    You get 1 point for each person you make smile

    You get 5 poiints for each person you make laugh

    Follow that, and you'll be Employee of the Month

  9. The biggest thing is to smile. Do you have a lot of piercings or wear weird makeup? Because even though you might think that's hot, customers could be turned off by that look. Going more mainstream during work hours could help you.

    For me, it's easier to be friendly when I realize that other people are as nervous as I am when they first talk to a stranger. Since it's your workplace, and your "turf", it's your obligation to make that new person feel comfortable. As soon as someone comes in, say, "Hi! How are you today?" People love when you ask how they are doing. Then take their order. If time is important, and there's no time for small talk, just use your friendliest voice and a big smile. Most of all, don't mumble, roll your eyes, sigh, make jokes that could be misinterpreted, or talk about your customers in negative ways. These things are really off putting.

    Hope that helps! Good job trying to improve.

    Also... tomorrow when you go to work, say to your boss, "I took your advice, and I'm going to try to be more friendly by doing _____, _______, and _____. Are there other things you would like to see me improve on?" Showing your boss that you are serious about fixing this problem will help you keep your job, even if you still need to improve. (Bosses like to see that you value their feedback and are interested in keeping your job!)

  10. I would say smile and be extra polite. You know, sir, ma'am, always thank the customer, ask if you can help them, ask them how they are, etc..

  11. Smile, be nice and kind, don't go and say hi how was your day, WARNING DO NOT DO THIS TO OLD PEOPLE lol

    then they will stay there for ages talking about there day

    so just be nice, smile, ask them how they are, etc

    but yea they are strict about that stuff

    and NEVER yell at a customer or be mean in anyway, even if a person u hate comes up to you just serve them and be nice

    otherwise it can get u fired

  12. easy smile all the time say hows ur day and help them out wit their problems if they have any u just really want to be nice to them

  13. Smile...Make sure to ask if theres anything else you can get them and when they give you a long list dont complain...Tell them to enjoy their meals..and just never take tha smile off our face! :)!

  14. Smile and seem interested in what you're doing. Pay attention to what your customers are saying. Be polite.

  15. Grin, have your hair away from your face, wear comfy shoes, don't wear too much makeup, make eye contact, hide facial piercings, offer to assist them.

  16. lol, i do too and what i always am friendly wether i am happy or sad. well when a customer comes in you should say" hi how are you" with a big smile and you must NEVER act frustrated no matter what they say or do unless they actually bush the customer limit and with all their crazy demands just say "not a problem" and you could if you not busy just ask"how was you day or weekend" the chances are slim that they will really go into details but they would be amazed that you asked them. when they leave you can say"bye! have a good one, come back soon" and that my friend with a smile always is how to be friendly.

  17. See... every one is different.. so don't worry if they don't like you... just try to act as they wish.... normal... first see the person who comes.. if they r younger then u must over act.. because they don't have much patience... so act like you r taking care of them.. say hi with a good smile on your face.. and just impress them...  and according to me.. only young people will be in need of much care.....................

  18. Dont look like your bored at work, always have a smile on your face but dont make it fake. Also dont be shyyy make them see that you know what your doing, boost your confidence and talk loud and smile at them

    dont forget to tell them to have a good day after their done<3

  19. If you on the cashregister say hi how may i help you or smile look nice fake it but smile if something isnt funny just laugh i do it all the time

  20. smile and at least pretend to be somewhat happy. and after helping a customer, say sumthing like "have a nice day" or greet them. eventually, you'll get the hang of it, just keep a positive attitue :-)

  21. Please hunny look for a better job and dont worry about your continence. When you FEEL happy you will exude it!

  22. you can say smile,say hi and how you r u doing

    good luck =)

  23. smile and talk to them. Act interested. Ask them how there dau was. dont be quite around them.

  24. smile courteously to everyone and greet them with something like "hello, welcome to..."

    definitely the smile and hello-greeting.

    don't be so stoic / stuckup, be relaxed and gentle with everyone.

    when ppl leave, give them a farewell and wish for them to come back for more business and a nice smile of gratitude b/c the customer[s] chose to go to your store.

    Good luck

  25. you shouls smile a lot

    say things like "hello hows your day" "have a good day" "did you find everything you were looking for?"

    when they have like a baby say things like he\she is adorable

    sometimess compliment there clothes or accesories

  26. Well, if you are the cashier in the beginning while they walk up to you say welcome to Blah blah (where you work) smile but not a fake smile just a little smile that shows your friendly. At the end of the order say have a good day ma'am or sir. Last, don't make them feel rushed or like they have to be super nice back just be nice, not super freaky nice. Good luck. :)

  27. Smile and sincerely ask how are you today? Simple common courtesy works wonders.  Hope this Helps.

  28. Smile and have a smoooooth tone in your voice, dont sound like a robot :)

    And dont burry your face with your hair or a hat

    And be sure to say thank you/enjoy your meal !

    And goodluck with you job :D

  29. have a smile and try not to act like a jerk

  30. SMILE. idk how many times i've wanted to slap workers for rudeness!!!! listen to what your customers have to say.

    i'm a vegetarian, and i always order a cheeseburger with NO meat. so its like a bun, cheese, lettuce, mustard, pickles, etc..

    and i'm tired of the WTF looks

    :D good luck!

  31. when you smile at people, its contagious so thats something you could do. make conversation with the customers. say hi how are you or recommend something on the menu that you think is good...these kinds of things will show your boss that you are friendly towards other people

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