
How do I look on him?

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Yes, I know i'm leaning forward in the third pic.




  1. always look where you want to go and i suggest a bigger saddle too, just because it would probably be alot more comfortable for you and the horse.

  2. did you get off, it looks like you got off.


    he looks like hes really consentrating on you

    and what you want him to do.

    i would say bigger saddle to but first see

    what your trainer says, its ahrd to judge

    from photos. and the red really suits him.

  4. Looks Great, the only suggestion i have is to, set up really straight and stick out your chest so you look proud, it would look way more elegant, and try banding his mane to one side, they are really easy to train, and i think you could tell a difference.  

  5. i think u look good on him, he is perfect size for you and he looks like he is listening to you. and you horse is absolutly BEAUTIFUL

  6. Beautiful horse.

    Yeah, you look good on him.I think a little, tiny bit big for him, but not much at all for you to worry about. You both seem really happy with each other and very concentrateded. Good job.

    I know others have said this, but you need a lot bigger saddle in the 3rd pics. You are going to get a lot of points taken off in shows.  

  7. whoa you guys look really sharp together. and i know this doesn't really have to do with the horse itself but where did you get that helmet! it looks awesome!

  8. You and your horse look like a perfect fit...and I particularly like that you use a full cheek snaffle....good choice!  But all would look better with the right saddle fit...this one is too small.

  9. Good! But, I think you might need a larger saddle. :)


    Erm..Even if you are too far back, you can't even see the end of the saddle...=/

  10. You do need a bigger saddle. even if you were to far back you could only move forward 2cms until you'd be sitting on the pommel.

    Charlotte x

  11. very pretty!! you need a bigger saddle though!

  12. Stop looking down at him.  The world is a beautiful place, and your horse can see where he is going.  A lot of riders spend too much time looking down.  Look up and see where you are going to.

    Try to keep your toes pointed more forward.

    Just constructive criticism... keep up the good work!

  13. i hope i dont offend u but u look like your a novice? how long have u been riding for? first of all u need to sit up and look up! by looking down your whole body slouchs down, u cant see where your going and it makes it harder to in photo 2 your looking down and your hands are resting on your horses neck so by sitting up and looking forward it'll bring your shoulders back and you also need to let the weight come down through to your heels and keep your heels down.i think your horse looks abit uncomfortable because your uncomfortable!you need to work on getting your balance and sitting back,looking up more.A good exercise to try and if you feel it helps get someone to lunge you is to take your feet out your stirrups and cross them over the top of your saddle out the way and practice riding like that with no stirrups, i know its quite hard at first but start in a walk just relax, let your legs down as long as they'll go and sit back in the saddle and look up through your horses ears ahead of u.when you feel your ready try trotting with no stirrups it is quite hard but it does get easyier with practice! the secret is to relax as much as u can and let your legs hang low keeping your heels down, the more you tense up and dont relax the more you'll bounce hard on the saddle and probably end up falling off!well i hope not! so by doing this exercise it almost makes u relax and look up and really feel the flow and i promise that if u practice doing that when u take your stirrups back u'll feel much better! oh yeah it'l absolutley kill your legs at first they'll be really aching! but thats good it means your doing it right!good luck with your horseriding! and practice makes perfect!

  14. Lookin good :)

  15. We have the same helmet! You would looks 1000x better if the tack fit you. The saddle is too small seat wise and flap wise, if your leg was in the right position. You look taller mostly leg. So if your leg was in the right place you leg would be very close to coming over that saddle. And if you were wearing tall boots, it would probably be catching on the flap also, because they're too short.

  16. In the words of my coach,  "your wrists are broken"  

  17. Awesome!

  18. First off you need a bigger saddle. its about an inch or two too small.

    Second your bridle needs keepers

    Third you need to stop balancing on your reins

    fourth you need to get your toes in, and your heels slightly down

    Fifth you need to get out of a chair seat and get your legs under you (if you get a bigger saddle that will help)

    sixth if your going to ask, stop making excuses

  19. your horse is lovely. :)

    all i can add to what the others have said is that you look like you're putting too much weight on your hands in the second picture.

    anyway, you're very lucky, have fun!

  20. Hey, I think you two look totally awesome together. Just remember to sit up straight, look straight ahead between the horses ears, and enjoy the ride. Love the helment, saddle looks to be the right size, just remember to center your seat when in saddle, soften up on the reins, and let him enjoy being out with you, just as much as you enjoy being out with him. You do to a point look like a beginner, but hey, we were all beginners at one time... You will learn with time how to look more like a pro... Takes practice and paitence. Over all, you guys look like you were made for one another and he is beautiful. Good Luck, ride hard, ride safe, and enjoy life.
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