
How do I look? (pics) Please answer! ^_^?

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Okay I am 14 (just turned 14) and I was woundering how i look? Do you like my hair? what could I do to improve? I have big cheeks yes thats just the way I was made though ^_^ I am a heart head <3 lol

thanks so much for your opinion! ^_^




  1. oh dam

  2. You look 12 lol sorry

  3. aww you&#039;re pretty

    and you make braces look cute! lawl

    answer my friends question?... its about me haha

  4. aww your so have smaller eyes... try a little eyeliner on the bottum lid and some mascara to make your eyes pop and look bigger...but your 14 ...too cute

  5. Ive leanred that the only way to improve having big cheeks is to not have a teethy smile just smirk, another way to eliminate the cheek problem is too get a fairly dark tan.

  6. i think you&#039;re cute;...

  7. you&#039;re adroable

  8. You look perfectly normal. No offense, you are nothing too special. You are just yourself. Don&#039;t try so hard to look nice.

  9. I think you are pretty, in an unusual way - not necessarily in a conventional way. I have big baby cheeks too :-)

    Looks like you have a nice personality as well to match because of your nice smile in the 2nd pic. Your hair is nice and natural.

  10. You don&#039;t look good at all. Sorry.

  11. you have the face of a 11 year old but you are pretty

    --&gt;Edward Lover&lt;3

  12. awww ur so cute. :D

    you are very pretty.

    stay that way, u dont need to change anything

  13. umm u r okay...

    u look younger then 14 tho...

    i duno i gues u could straiten ur hair or something

  14. n0 ur UGLYYYYY :/

  15. your fine dont worry

    i love the color of your hair =]

  16. Ashley, relax! You are a nice-looking girl! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Don&#039;t worry about your braces; you have a nice smile. You have a pleasant-looking face and I&#039;m sure you have a good personality too. Mix those up together and you have nothing to worry about! If you want, you can use a little bit of make-up (not too much, or else it will look sloppy), and find clothes that suit you. But you should not worry about how you look. You&#039;re good the way you are. :)

  17. You&#039;re kinda ugly but you&#039;ll grow out of it... hopefully.

  18. I like your hair its super cute, the color fits your apperance.

  19. Put some lipgloss on and more make up but i guess thats about it!:)

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