
How do I loose as much weight as possible in 4 weeks?

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I want to loose as much weight as possible in 4weeks time ( I have a very very important wedding) I am 20,overweight due to laziness and being a college/university student I weight around 155lbs and I am 5 9.

I fully understand the stupidness and dangers of crash diets, weight pills, and loosing dramatic amounts of weight in very short spaces of time. I understand the best way to loose weight is to eat in moderation and excercise and that it is not a quick process.

However, this event is very very important and I would really like to be a little thinner than I already am, it is of short notice and if I had more time I would have begun a sensible regime, but I just don't have the time.

Has anyone done anything like this? what were the effects/results?

Realistically how much weight do you think I can loose?




  1. try this pills they are not the regular ones that doesn't work completely 100% safe and can actually give you the desired result  

  2. 18 lbs is possible and realistic. There is an article which may help you on "Need to lose weight for wedding?"

    If you are sensible afterwards, you should be able to keep the weight off.

  3. why is it loose??

  4. Atkins. Trust me, you'll lose a lot.

    (Don't believe all the bad press. It's a great diet. VERY reliable for weight loss and you won't be hungry between meals -- or ever, really.)

    The basic premise on Atkins is Don't Eat Anything White. That means no bread, pasta, potatoes, corn (counts as white), cereals, sugar, or milk. Everything else you'll eat is very good stuff (e.g. veggies, meats, eggs, cheese, fish).

    Good luck!

  5. i tried atkins (buy the book if your going to do it). i did it for about a month and lost a stone. i found it difficult to stick to it tho. im now on a low cal , low fat diet combined with jogging daily. i needto lose 35 lbs. i plan to lose the first 20 through healthy diet and excercise and to lose that last hard 15lbs im going to try the master cleanse diet. its the one beyonce made famous. supposedly she lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks on it. im hoping for 14 lbs in 2 weeks.

    anyho hope that helps, good luck

  6. Do these and it's guaranteed to fall off of you.

    1) Lots of water

    2) No snacking between meals

    3) Portion control. Only eat when you're hungry then stop when you are not. If you cut out snacking you WILL be hungry for meals.

    4) Don't eat within an hour or 2 before you go to sleep. You won't burn off those calories and they will be stored in your body.


    When you weight yourself, do it first thing in the morning, naked (or in your underwear) and after you use the restroom. It it when you weigh the least amount. Then weight yourself the next morning and that will be an accurate look at how much weight you have lots.

    Good luck!

  7. Three steps that have really helped me are dieting, exercising, and the correct weight loss supplement for losing weight. Focus on those three things and you will lose weight considerably. I exercise 30 mins a day along with taking Proactol, a natural weight loss supplement that I saved money on at

    Good luck and stay focused = )

  8. I went on the Cambridge diet years ago after I worked in a food place and thought it was great, but you need to really want to lose weight on that as it's difficult because you feel really hungry for the first few days.

  9. I will be reading all answers to this question, as I am off on holidays in 4 wks time, and despite all the promises ive been making to myself these last 3 months i have failed to start my diet yet.!!!!   panic

  10. Eat less, exercise & cut out junk food.  

  11. First of all....don't make yourself sick.

    Cut out on white flour products and sugar.

    Eat lots of fresh veggies and fruits

    Exercise, exercise, exercise.

    Good luck

  12. I need this too!

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