
How do I lose 10 lbs. and not go on a diet?

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How do I lose 10 lbs. and not go on a diet?




  1. cut off  an appendage

  2. watch what you  eat .need get rid of bad carbs and do some kind of exercise  for 30 mins a day  

  3. i lost 92 lbs. by getting rid of my girlfriend

  4. run as fast as u can

  5. cut off you left leg*

  6. i know i'm gonna get a lot of thumbs down for this,but just for me.

    ♥ this song

    check it out

  7. Decapitate yourself or remove part of a limb =)

  8. Do you drink alot of pop? If so stop and replace it with water instead. Good luck!

  9. s*x 4 times a day

  10. Exercise a lot.

  11. ride your bike 10 miles a day

  12. remove your head (avg. 8 lbs) and maybe your hands.  

  13. Hey, Smart Idiot, this one is easy, cheesy.

    EAT all the fresh veggies/fruits, beans, whole grains you could possibly stuff into your pie hole.  You heard me, eat until you are NOT hungry.  Oh, and throw in some nuts and seeds while you're at it.  Eat whole foods almost exclusively.  Whole wheat pasta=good; Captain Crunch=bad.  You know the drill.  Do moderate exercise that is FUN - walk with a friend, shoot some hoops, swim a few laps, get the bike out and take a spin around the neighborhood, etc.  Did you notice the part where the exercise should be "fun"?  Key to success, otherwise you won't do it.

    If you do as I recommend for one month you will feel and look better than you have in YEARS.  I promise - cross my heart and hope to die!

    Forget all the "diet" pills, potions, and lotions.  The ONLY thing they will make lighter is your wallet - I don't care what anybody is trying to SELL you.  :)

    So how does the Smart Idiot become a healthy hottie?  The natural way - and he thanks me later.

  14. Cut your legs off

    Its that simple!  

  15. exercise...try laps in the pool, you don't even realize how much effort your body is putting into it while you're in the water.    And eat more protein, this doesn't have to be a diet, but protein burns fat...

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