
How do I lose all the weight I gain before school in a week?

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Hey guys, I am 14 years old. I start high school in a week. Well, I'm typically a normal size girl. I was NEVER skinny, but I used to be 10-20 pounds overweight, but until a few years ago I started losing weight [naturally]. So I was happy :] But I have been realizing since school ended and now, I gained 10-15 pounds! No guys, this isn't weight because I am growing up and my body is maturing, it is because of my poor decisions of eating JUNK. I have a poor diet and I eat junk food like everyday [cookies, chips, etc] and bad meals everyday. I totally regret it all, and I have gained weight and now my stomach is kinda coming out and my thighs are a little bit larger than before. I am so worried about this behavior of mine, so I want to start a healthier diet and lose some weight, hopefully before school starting in a week.

So guys, adding to this question, how should I start this new healthier diet? Eat more veggies, fruits etc? Also I want to work out and stuff. Just give me any tips or advice you can to lose weight naturally, but kinda fast Lol. I really want to learn to control my eating and lose weight because my body is getting a little bit bigger than before. [10-15 lbs more!] So please, have any advice?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Watch what you eat? Do a few warm ups in the morning. A little jogging.

  2. Part of this is that you aren't doing your natural walking that you do when in school just from class to class. Unless you are in a tiny town High School will bring even more walking and exercise.

    One way to help set yourself up for life is to be sure you take a Phys Ed class (even if you don't want to) every year and in college too. If you can weight training is very good for helping metabolism (though you still need an aerobic activity such as walking, biking, swimming, running).

    However, you don't have much time but you can get started. Make sure you go walking (and/or biking if you have one) for at least an hour a day. If you get tired after a few minutes then rest and walk more in an hour or two. You'll build up stamina each day which will also help you before classes start. In fact, put the backpack on with a few books to add to your workout.

    Definitely eat more fruits and veggies but don't do it just for the week. Make it a part of your every day life in school too. Make sure you eat a good breakfast and decently through the day including a couple snacks. This will keep you from wanting to binge at night. The walking will help you sleep too. Also add in good whole grains such as plain oatmeal (steel cut oats are really yummy) which you can add your own limited toppings to instead of what the companies give you (I personally like salt and a bit of Earth Balance butter).

    When you do eat, have a decent amount but don't worry about eating until you're full or even until you're not hungry because it takes a while for our stomachs to register we've eaten and turn off the hunger pains. Eat and go do something else to keep you occupied and you'll likely not be hungry after several minutes. If you still are after 30 minutes or so go ahead and have a bit more of something healthy.

    Limit or cut out meat/dairy because it's calorie dense, takes a lot and a long time to digest, and drink lots of water since it will flush out the bad stuff you've been eating and storing up in your fat which will start releasing with your better diet and exercise. Drinking water also keeps us from retaining it.

    Add in a few legumes (beans, peas, lentils) but not too much if you aren't used to eating them as they'll cause a bit of bloating at first. Eat some nuts and seeds as they are nutrient dense.

    Unfortunately you're unlikely to lose even 10lbs in a week but you might be able to drop at least a couple and maybe as much as 5 depending on where you are in your cycle. Don't beat yourself up for it though and just continue on your healthier path and in a month you'll be even happier.

    Be sure to eat at school too. Take food with you if the food from the cafeteria is not that good (usually laden with subsidized meat/dairy) and take breakfast with you if you have to (for instance, make waffles on the weekend, freeze and take out a serving in the morning, toast and spread a bit of peanut butter on them, add some sliced fruit such as apricots, kiwi, peach, and eat open faced or put two together and eat as a sandwich). Eating a good breakfast and then a decent lunch will make school easier too.


    Try to enjoy High School as much as you can and participate as much as you can but do get your work done as well as you can (get tutors if you are having any problems at all because it usually doesn't get better if you're struggling and stress makes weight issues more difficult -- exercise helps relieve stress so don't cut it). You don't get a do-over and it goes by a lot quicker than you think it will.

  3. Cut off all the junk food in your diet. I know it's kind of hard, but if you want to be thinner, that is one thing you have to do. Also, eat lot's of fruit and veggies. If you have a hard time with the no junk food thing, try making cookies with less bad stuff. Like adding applesauce and reducing the amount of butter in them can cut the calories quite a bit. Also, start walking, jogging, and swimming, and try and cram in around 30 minutes of exercise everyday. Try not to do crunches or any of those muscle-building stuff as they will increase your weight and make you look bigger. Stay committed to your workout/diet and good luck!

  4. Easy.  Stop eating junk.  Limit yourself to 1200 calories a day of healthy food and the pounds will drop.  But there is NO way to lose 10-15 pounds in a week, it's physically impossible.

  5. Sleep earlier, wake up earlier to get your metabolism going earlier. Drink Green Tea about 1/2 an hour to an hour before any exercise. It will help to increase your metabolic rate while you're exercising.

    Try skipping for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Go for a run in the morning, short distances like 2km to 3km in the beginning (not sure how far this is in miles). Increase the distances and the intensity (sprinting) as you get more used to it.

    Eat more frequent, but smaller meals. Such as 5 to 6 small meals every 2 to 3 hours. This will help your body process and digest the food more efficiently and you'll retain less of it.

    Working out more often and sleeping earlier will also help to curb any impulses you might have for reaching out for some random snacks during the day or odd hours at night.

    One last thing, please do not starve yourself or go on some crazy fad diet, it will only mess up your metabolic rate in the end.

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