
How do I make 3 one week old kittens like me?

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I really want my cats kittens to like me.Is there something i can do that will make them like me




  1. give them some time, their eyes aren't even open yet. All they want is momma right now. When they are 4-5 weeks old they will start being playful and more open to you.

  2. I have had cats and kittens for 27yrs and just follow the advice that the others gave you love them and be kind talk to them as well and be kind to the mama cat to

  3. give them a lot of attention and stuff

  4. be nice?

  5. They're one week old? Interact with them when they are like 4 weeks.. then they'll like you. -.-

  6. Just  love  them and pet  them.Plus they  haven't opened  there  eyes  yet.Talk to it,trust me.I know I sound crazy  when I say it,but  it is what I had to when  my dog had her  puppies. :)

  7. as long as momma cat is ok with it  i would say hold them so they get used to your smell, but they will still be stand offish until they start playing and venturing out. Talk and play with them once they get a couple weeks older, Let them see that mom likes you. i did this with my cats kittens and they became so peo-ple friendly..

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