
How do I make Reservation Rewards go away?

by  |  earlier

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I've seen this before on my account I'm pretty sure, but as now I no longer using this bank account, I know the charges are fraudulent. Check out!&q5=Reservation+Reward for more info.




  1. You make it go away by calling the phone number on your bank statement (or get the number from the web).  The company will stop once notified.

    Unfortunately, RR uses a sneaky signup approach.  At some time in the past you were visiting a web site that you gave your information to.  While visiting, a screen popped up offering you a gift certificate.  It was intended to appear as a reward for having bought something on the site, so you said yes and gave them your email address.  They sent you the certificate via email and asked you to read an Opt-OUT agreement.  You didn't read the agreement, so it took effect.  That is, by not disagreeing, you said if they could get your financial data, they could sign you up for their program and bill you every month.  

    Like me, you probably figured that they couldn't get it from your email address, but they did.  When I goofed, they got my credit card information from the company I *had* done business with.  I called the day after the very first charge and they took it off.    

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