
How do I make a contract so I can have a REAL purple star in my eye?

by  |  10 years, 5 month(s) ago

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Don't answer if youre going to say they don't exist. Im talking about the type of contract that Ciel made in the anime Black Butler. It is my favorite show of all time and I love the mark in the main character's eye it is so awesome-looking.

I want a real contract so I can have a seal of my own. Do I get to pick the sign like what I want it to look like? So since I want a purple star encased in a circle do I get to choose? Does it hurt when its placed on where I specify the mark to go on my body? ( My right eye). I imagine real-life deals are different than in the show but I still want to do it if I get a contract seal.

I know a few others who love the show as well and want the same thing as me. Geez people can say something other than they don't exist. You don't know what exists and what doesn't nobody knows everything about the Earth or the universe so there's no point in saying that other than to ruin the wishes of others. Gosh.

 Tags: contract, eye, Purple, real, star


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Latest activity: 10 years, 5 month(s) ago.
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