
How do I make a fundraiser really successful?

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I am going to be the president of my school Key Club and in the past we haven't done as much as we could to raise money so I was wondering how to make people in my club get involved. All the kids just sign up to put it down on college applications and don't participate. What should I do to get them to want to help out?




  1. You say in your question you want to know how "to make people" get involved.  First realize that you can't MAKE anyone do anything they don't want to do. The key (no pun intended) to getting them to fundraise is to give them the chance to have "buy in", which is one way adults use to get things done in groups.  

       This means giving them the opportunity to have input up-front on what that fundraising project will be. As a President of an organization, your job is to lead, not tell them what to do, and people will do things into which they have input first.

       Fundraising projects also have to be fun AND very creative, unique--the sky is the limit. Many heads are better than one or two at coming up with ideas, so perhaps you could do a contest giving away a great prize in your school to have students or teams of students suggest the most fun, creative fundraiser. (The prize could be donated....again, think big and be creative.)  

       The entire student body could vote to pick the winner.  You might also have them pick a first, second & third (or however many fundraisers you want to do in a year.)  

        I am the director of a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits and their professional fundraisers learn how to fundraise. Nonprofits traditionally do runs, golf tournaments, gala dinners, and awards luncheons.  These days, though, there are so many of these types of fundraisers that nonprofits have learned it is absolutely necessary to come up with the most creative, fun fundraisers possible to get people to participate.  

       With some type of contest open to all students in the school, who knows, you might even attract a whole new group of students who want to be in your club, while also having fun and raising lots of money!

    Good luck and hope this helps,


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