
How do I make a hamster bin cage?

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I am getting a teddy bear hamster and i have decided the bin cage is the best way to go. How do you make these? How much is the final cost including toys, water bottle, etc? Please dont give me any links because I have read almost every site on how to make these and they are either not very clear or wayy to expensive compared to the others. If you have a link that is very clear then go ahead and tell me. How Big should I make it? How many qts/gal/liters??

Thank you for reading!




  1. alright what you do is.get the lid of the bin and cut a long rectangle in it like this then you get chicken wire and if you dont know that is it looks like this after you do that atach it to the lid by screws or a staple gun. then youll have the cage this probally what it will look like and use wire for the bottle or my favorite is this it is much eaiser and works great its about 3-5.00.

    good luck

  2. 3 feet of space if is the minimum, it's better to have more.

    get a clear plastic bin, cut a hole in the top, and put mesh over the hole with a nut and washer.

    here's the hamster nesccesities- the el cheapo way!

    bin cage- $15

    hiding house- tissue box

    water bottle- $5

    chew sticks- apple branches

    food- $10 (lifetime)

    dish- $2 each, you'll need two

    ball- $10

    toys- old keys on a string, paper clips, and lego

    bedding- $10 a month

    nest material- paper towel

    hope i helped!

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