
How do I make a kid g*y?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get a child, but I want a g*y kid. how can I make a baby g*y?




  1. why would u want that u freak!

  2. YOU DONT!

  3. You don't force the child to be anything, you need mental help if you want to try and force your child to be something he/she may not be.

    You shouldn't even breed in the first place!

  4. you need to stay away from children and i hope you don't have any already.

    you need to be reported to child agencies.

  5. Paleeeeeeze   Do NOT have children~!!!!!!!

  6. g*y, as in homosexual?  Seriously?  I don't think you can MAKE anyone g*y.  They are born that way.  But obviously there are people who disagree with that way of thinking.  But really, I don't think you do much thinking...

  7. A happy child is one raised with love surrounding him, nurturing and discipline. Avoid spoiling a child as they are never happy or satisfied.  

  8. do you mean g*y as in Happy?

  9. Lmao... excuse my laughter your question caught me a little off guard. Honestly you shouldn’t have a child if it’s not for the right reasons and as a parent you should accept he/she whether they’re Hetero or Homosexual.

    But to answer your question I believe in “Monkey see Monkey do” if the child is brought up to with certain upbringings (examples raising a boy to have feminine ways and a girl masculine way) this will defiantly have an impact.

    Please note I’m not encouraging you to play the HOLY role. Sexually does not determine a person’s character.

  10. ahahah i thought i was the only one who want a g*y person in my family.

    any way you can;t make some one g*y. it something it just happen. different people and it effects then differently.

    just love you kid for who they are. and get some g*y friends

  11. I sincerely hope you mean g*y as in happy.

    To make a kid happy,  just love them and spend quality time with them.

  12. This must be a joke.

    We make people fill out applications to

    adopt pets

    get a home refurnished


    Fix a car

    Get a wedding coordinator

    or to get a pass port

    But after hearing this, I wonder why we don't have people fill out an application before breeding so we an stop people from having kids who have no right spreading their genes to anyone else.

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