
How do I make a weekend with my boyfriend special?

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I need some ideas on how to make my boyfriend and my 1 year and 6th month anni special! It's not often that we get to be alone becuase we both still live at home and my house will be empty right on the weekend of our anniversary! I was thinking of making dinner since we both don't have a lot of money and we're trying to save for an apartment. We're both not big on wine or any "adult" drinks. Steak is a bit expensive and so is lobster. I'm looking for a kind of inexpensive three course meal that I can cook for us. We were also thinking movies. What movies would go well with this night?

Any ideas at all would be great!





  1. Well, since you are not big on wine, why don't you buy a couple bottles of Martinelli's sparkling cider...they have it in flavors besides apple as well...also, start with a nice salad or buy some nice cheeses to eat to start with some slices of toasted baguette. A cheap but delicious main course you could do a pasta with roasted red bell peppers, artichokes, capers, onions  etc. (you can add chicken to this is you eat meat) and then do mini cheesecakes for dessert...(tip, if you are broke, the jello no -bake cheesecake is actually pretty decent (buy the little grahmn cracker crust tins) and get some fresh strawberries and whip cream to put on top of them...its a romantic very cheap dessert that still tastes good. As for movies, it really depends on what sorta genres you like.... go for a romantic comedy. There is no sense in being overly cheesy when you have been together so long. Have fun.

  2. s*x, lots and lots of s*x, trust me he wont care what you cook.

  3. how about baked skinless chicken? with mashed potates and salad that will look great.

    for movies, it matter what you like, maybe some that are a couple years old, some funny ones, or a new release?

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