
How do I make avocado leaf tea?

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I just pruned my avocado sapling, and I'd like to use the leaves to make tea. I've found instructions online, but they all start with dried leaves. How do I make the tea starting from fresh leaves? I guess what I really need to know is how to dry the leaves without them growing mold or just rotting. I've dried and preserved fall leaves before by just pressing them in a book, but I don't feel like that will work here because the leaves are so thick and full of moisture to begin with.




  1. Get a couple of non-fibreglas furnace filters and put the leaves in between them then strap them to the front of a box fan set on high.  The leaves should be dry in a day or so.

  2. get the fresh leaves cover them with a net or something and put in sun. they will dry up for sure :) i do it also with some other leaves. they will dry within 2 / 3 days. best of luck nd hope i helped.

  3. After picking, the leaves are laid out to dry on bamboo trays or in large in-door areas where heated air is forced over them if the climate is too cool to heat the leaves naturally. This process reduces water content and makes the leaves pliable enough to move to the next step in the process, rolling.

    In the case of green teas, leaves are often steamed instead of, or immediately after, being withered. Steaming or baking prevents oxidation (fermentation) of the leaves so that they remain green.


    The next step in tea production is rolling. Have you ever wondered how oolong, green and black tea leaves get scrunched up? Traditionally, this was done by hand and rolling still happens in this way for extremely rare high-end teas but now machines are often used to roll and often shake the leaves. This process helps release oils from the leaves which give tea its distinctive flavor


    Oxidation is the chemical process that allows the tea to absorb oxygen. Caused by the oil released during rolling, oxidation causes the leaves to turn bright copper in color and is the main deciding factor whether we have Green, Oolong or Black tea.

    Drying or Firing

    Tea is finally dried evenly without burning the leaves in large ovens or drying machines to halt oxidation.

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