
How do I make home-made rabbit toys?

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Fluffy is bored at home...




  1. i'm on vacation and pretty much all i've been doing is making my rabbit and cat toys. I made them a wooden hammock very sturdy and easy to build. I followed the structural build from this picture...

    I also made a tunnel like thing with old jeans and fabric sewed and standing up like tunnels.

    I also took a box and cut a big circle in the front (side) and hung strings down it. Inside there's a ramp they can walk up to go to the top of the box and on top i'm going to put the hammock.

    You could try any of these things, also an old phone book they love that, anything that rolls and/or makes noise.

  2. Cardboard boxes. They're my rabbit's favorite. You can use them as dig boxes by filling them with ripped up newspaper or hay, or you can make houses out of larger boxes by flipping them upside down and cutting two doors out. My rabbit also likes to sit on top of them, and most rabbits love to chew them.

    I've found that rabbits don't really like "toys," or at least the rabbits I know. There are probably some out there who will "play" in a more traditional sense, but most rabbits just like to dig and chew. It does depend on the rabbit. Here's a pretty extensive list of things to try:

    The most important thing to keep a rabbit from getting bored, though, is out-of-cage time. They need the exercise and mental stimulation. My rabbit is really the happiest when he's just hopping around the house - he follows us around, jumps up on the couch for attention, and climbs up on everything from bookshelves to my guitar basket. Does your rabbit get enough "free time"? That will probably make him the happiest. It's a lot easier if he's litter trained...that way, you can let him out without worrying about cleanup.

  3. get the cardboard from the center of a roll of toilet paper and fill it with hay.

    Get some paper cut the edges and roll it up into a ball or whatever.

    bout it.

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