
How do I make it on Broadway??

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i"m a teen w/o an agent (for the time being) and i really want to make it on broadway. i am in voice lessons, and in school i'm taking drama. i know the odds of actually making it on broadway is very slim, and i know that it's best to have an Equity card. I need to "beef up my resume" said a talent agency that i got rejected from... i'm just trying to stay positive, but i know that alot of ppl don't even make it to broadway.

What should i do?!




  1. There is a reason that singing is called a PERFORMING ART... because you have to PERFORM in order to get, or keep the job... being cute will get you an audition... but after that... it takes TALENT.

    Subscribe to because they have all the upcoming auditions and you don't need an agent to go to open auditions.

  2. You can either slave away your whole life working on your acting, singing dancing etc until you've honed your craft to a point where you can compete with the top talent in the world.

    Or you can go on American Idol.  You don't even have to win to score your spot on the White Way.  I just saw Clay Aiken in Spamalot.  Funny enough but please, some really talented actor lost a job for that!

    I didn't really answer your question but thanks for listening.

  3. im in the excact same boat as u, girl!!! if i find anything out ill let you know

  4. Correction: an Equity card is a must-have on Broadway; you can't get in the door to audition without one.  The only thing you can do right now is continue to take as many relevant classes as possible -- voice, dance, acting -- and audition for as many plays as the time in your schedule allows.

  5. I only know one person who is currently on Broadway, and she's absolutely amazing.

    You've got to be top notch at singing, dancing, acting... all of it. One flaw will will not get you through to callbacks.

    A note about Equity though- don't become Equity too quickly, because then you limit yourself from non-Equity shows. Non-Eq. obviously won't pay as much, but it's a GREAT way to build your resume.

  6. My friend Camielle additioned for the young girl in Chitty Chity Bang Bang and made it. This, however is because she's been taking voice lessons sience she was 4 (she's 10), has an agent, and has been in numerous shows at local universities and all that is on her resume.  The agent who told you to "beef up your resume" may be correct. Although a life on broadway is tough, I wish you lots of luck and keep on working!!!!

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