
How do I make it up to a girl for being EXTREMELY late on our first date? She is soooo pissed at me!! =(?

by  |  earlier

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I was supposed to meet her at the local mall...and I could have swored on my grandmother's grave that we were supposed to meet at 5 pm. She was there at 4! Honestly...I thought she was the one who stood me up.




  1. aww well try picking her up next time instead of meeting

  2. Try to schedule another date and come 30 mins early and bring a nice gift with you.

  3. try making it up to her by doing what she wants you to do for her for a wholle week

  4. flowers the best thing

  5. It was a misunderstanding.  If you explain and she doesn't understand, calm down and get over it, consider this a red flag.

  6. A man should always be the one to apologize, even when the woman is wrong.  Make your apology, but don't ruin it with excuses.  "I'm sorry.  I thought we were to meet at 5 pm, but I realize that I was wrong."

    After that, flowers make for a nice apology.  Don't feel that you need to bribe your way into her good graces.  If she cannot forgive you being late once, then I would not waste too much time on her.  

    The best thing you can do is to be sure to be on time in the future, especially the immediate future.  She will realize that it was a one time mistake (and she will think it was yours), but will let it go at that.

  7. I've so been there, but I was the one who was late to our second date!  I was selling a house and the phone call ran way overtime, still had to get ready...I was FOUR hours late!  But since I was going to his house, I knew he'd still be here and I rushed over with tons of apologies!  I felt so rude.  But he patiently (and somewhat sadly) waited, and we ended up happily married now for over a year and a half!  

    I hope she gets over it.  Pick her up next time, and do all the gentlemanly things like opening doors and such.  It was just a misunderstanding in your case.   It can still work!

  8. girls/women are crazy she needs to get over it it was a mistake! i can say that cause i am a woman :)

  9. Nothing a small box of Godiva chocolates and a sincere note won't fix. I married the guy who was late to our first date. He was never late again.

  10. Send her flowers with a note saying you want to reschedule. Then try to pick her up instead of meeting her somewhere. If that's not possible, make sure you're very early for the date. Oh, and I probably wouldn't recommend meeting at a Mall. It's too easy to miss someone there and besides, it's not a classy place to take a date anyway.

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